dad just listen to me for once

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Roger: take him to finally listen to me I couldn't handle this whole lot better than he thinks again hey what's up Katie not a whole lot and she says to him you thinking about fighting that ain't dad it's not that I don't want to be supported a few I do but I'm afraid if you fight him accidentally kill you somehow that's all I'm worried about mother feels the same, yeah I know she does Roger says to Katie thank you for The concert I'll be fine I wouldn't worry too much by the way how about you and your new boyfriend doing Katie blushes it says I win fine mom my big fan of him but oh well my mom maybe when Vincent talks to her people OK we have something in common your mother-in-law I hate you and you hate me Roger looks at her and laughs yes but knowing her she's not gonna take that as ha ha funny she's a pretty stubborn woman yes Katie says I know she's very stubborn and baldheaded thanks you too overprotective of me though well you're the only one that hasn't moved out of the house yet you're a puppy good girl searching think she has to be super protective of you let's see if I can at least get his attention though yo old man what about you come out fight me or are you too afraid oh fine then said Arthur to his son if you really wanna fight me and look pathetic then find it but I didn't get to tell you I told you so raja shakes his head no you do not I do Sarah speaks up incest you just don't fight I'm back down just let him be the next in line for the throne of vampire king then I don't have to see neither one of you get badly injured says Arthur to Sarah enough that's not hound title vampire king is her do you know that I asked to be earned this way I appreciate your concern but he'll be fine so enough worrying a woman normally this type of rebound would get him the glare of the century from her but she's too she's too busy worried about her son do you can pay attention but afterwards she'll think about it and she be like hey I'm going to kick his ass very well then shall we take this outside boy OK lead the way old man Arthur you're gonna regret doing this boy just to let you know I'm not really good at describing fights things it pretty brutal fight between father and son where is sun looks more rough than dad does sorry I'm not good at explaining these things Hope you can understand awww what is this really begging for mercy finally you do realize I'm stepping on your head Trenton force you to say mercy has your mother looks panic I think she's gonna fade is your sister trying to comfort her the best she can Katie says to Sarah can you be OK can I end a better than you think it is no it's not Sarah says well crying in her daughter's shoulder oh I can't stand it she says Sarah oh Arthur please please stop this what is obvious he's not ready to do you have to be more dominant than him honestly stop find then as offer Arthur back to his senses he says full-fledged bad part pissed off mode and it's not pretty damn scary looks like you got your guard down old man Roger says to his dad kicks in straight in the face and knocks him out find Sarah guess and says oh my goodness I can't believe you just pull that off oh my oh my I'm so proud how do you come here and give your mama hug and I don't give a shit I called myself mama oh thank you so much mom Roger says to his mother see I know I can pull it off Katie says to him oh yay congratulations but I was still so worried find glad you pulled it off that mean you're the next vampire king in line all the sun a certain someone shows up known as Winnifred part of the year head of the council well look at this she says interesting I didn't think it be possible congratulations ratchet with you knocking out your father that makes you definitely next in line you know it's not gonna be easy right you ready for this type of responsibility he smirks and says yes I am I'm very confident that I can handle it even better than him Winnifred says to him wow looks like I need to get you all fixed up and get everything all lined up and then you're in charge vampire said you can help out with werewolves well if you want to Roger speaks up and says I am I unite both my they are both reported to me since that's what my sisters are both are when my mother's a best friend is war so gun wanna build things that happened problems here lately and get them all done my mother can finally relax because she deserves the mouse and he does too even if he want to be an asshole about the whole thing where should we go take care of some things Winnifred It says to Roger says to her Yep we shall take care of some things well family I will be seeing you later bye Sarah and Katie both say to him and get back thank you he says to both of them they just leave the are, OK OK Katie just don't tell your brother you heard this Arthur I'm gonna take a good guess and say you would let him win a little bit about Sarah says to Arthur yes I did a little bit I was just so tired of dealing with the whole pressure and all that stuff and I kind of figured he can do it better than me so yes I did and young lady you don't tell him what you heard Capish OK says Katie I won't say a thing maybe it's up to you to tell him someday she smiles yes is Sarah you have to details details arthur says to both of them

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