Oh no

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Katie: hey brother how are you doing Roger says to a sister I'm not a whole lot let everything's going good so far how are mom and dad Katie says to him not A whole lot but I think you're suffering for there almost having auntie nest syndrome and that's been trying to have another kid with her I hear them laughing meanwhile in the bedroom Sarah and Arthur oh stop it you Sarah says to Arthur that tickles oh says Arthur to Sarah come on it's been a while for us please we can have another kid come on oh please he's giving her puppy I look she smiles at him and laughed  fine says Sarah to him you know I can't resist him adorable puppy eyes you're just busy kisses and then well back with Katie and Roger Indian kitchen well she's talking to him on the phone so yeah she says to him sounds like they're working and I will something if you know what I mean Roger laughs and says yeah I know you mean what are you doing in the kitchen sounds like you're in the kitchen she's moving things around in the fridge raider and stuff trying to find something to eat she says to him find anything to eat he says to her you're a wolf right can't you go hunting for deer she says to him well yeah but I'm not that good at it but I can at least catch something yeah I think I'll go do that thanks for the advice Kelly says to Roger Roger says to her yeah no problem anytime oh yeah be safe what's the say if you run into Tyson you know the wolf from the other pack you see him first walk away very slowly he's not the type that is easy to talk Orr reason with what's the say if mom is wondering where Abby is just let her know she's in the hospital luckily for her scott showed up just in time nearly beat her to death she's just recovering in the hospital though tell mom let Abby tell her her self mom will flip out and be should be so pissed since she's a vampire she can't really do anything about this don't want to but i'm not telling her it's pretty much a good idea so if you can try to stay away from him pretty much thinks every part of the woods is his territory even though it tonight Katie says to him thanks for the information try to be careful I hope I'm not unlocking my guy and sometimes yeah well I'll talk to you later let you know when I'm home safe OK OK please be safe he says to her oh I'm so worried   me too she says oh well here I go wish me luck good luck he says to her thank you she says to him by, for now, get over here God damn deer I make you my food she pounces right on the deer she goes for its throat and tears his head off she thinks together self Yep I'm gonna need another shower because she's covered in blood she's so hungry she starts eating it 20 minutes later she finished eating oh that's much better I'm so full dear minute I don't think I'm moving it up soon i'm gonna take a bit of a nap about an hour later she hears growls and she notices big giant wolf standing over her oh no she says I'm guessing you're Tason he growls at her and says yes get off my territory right now who gave you permission to hunt here and she says to him it is very nervous voice well nobody really which just looking for something to eat and then I took a nap I'm sorry I didn't mean to trespass  just leave he growls at her and says I don't think you're going anywhere well you're going somewhere just not where you want to go young one he just grabbed her by a papa and just touch the beat the holy snot out of her stop and his foot on her a lot and she cuts up bloody winters in pain and he says to her that'll teach you to get on mine property and eat the food that belongs to me she guesses she guesses and says I thought it belongs to everybody, not just one person I mean the words for every wolf Pack doesn't have to be this way she can hardly speak to him whoever told you that he growled at her, no you just made it worth it for yourself you make a nice snack especially since you're full of deer it's a bonus for me just at the right time Sarah shows up drops kicks out big green grape I'm a giant werewolf right in the face in plants him to the ground she's in full-fledged vampire mode and also doesn't fuck with my kid mode she's super pissed it says to him you piece of shit how dare you do that my daughter I will hurt you if I could but I can't but I did just hurt you but just enough for you to get off my daughter I think they'll understand she growls at him continuing to glare at him his pack leader shows up and says to Sarah my apologies I didn't know One of my wolves what is injuring one of your pups, Sarah, she gets after him and says oh shit you make sure he never touches anyone in my family matters ever again understand find then he says take your puppy and leave I will take my daughter and leave she she says to him very angry matter come on Katie let's take you to the hospital I look really well after kid hang in there my sweet wolf she kisses around for head my poor baby and she just leaves the area poor Little wolf baby I hate seeing you like this

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