Miley and Nicolas special alone time 😏

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Miley: no you hang up face no you  love you no fine oh fine because I'm getting an evil glare from my sister no we haven't found a new job yet I like the old one I hate this one how to find somebody's sending me, yes I do you would member what we talked about yes can I help you Mina talk to you later Nicolas bye I love you yes sister  I got a question says Mina, why are you with him, have something special planned what lake date a movie and a little something else special alone time especially as long as you to be happy dating is time for her to take it out of that type of step I made grandbabies for mom and dad, no I can have my first niece or nephew I'm guessing that's a yes wait you're blushing right read so read that you don't even now  oh so cute 😏 oh you said is Miley you just stop it yes it may be something like that you my sister is going to get frisky with your boyfriend oh I'm sorry fiancé oh my goodness so many things happening with her years not too exciting but hey it's been l something yeah and you getting better at hunting deer good girl as Mina pets her sister excuse me it says  Miley but we are the same age don't treat me like I'm a little kid, yeah but I'm only a couple of minutes older than you mina says to her oh whatever says Miley to her sister Well when I and necklace do you have a special alone time I'm hoping to get pregnant and maybe someday you'll find a boyfriend or somebody, either way, I'll be happy for you my sister dear yeah I kind of figured that dark Mina says to her I think you're gonna be a good mother oh that's probably him Miley I need to go get ready  says Miley can you please distract him for a bit, hey Nicholas he's busy getting ready I think she's kind of nervous well I'm kind of nervous myself says Nicolas to Mina oh wow Miley gorgeous oh thank you say Miley two Nicolas  well have fun you too so like in that I have Chinese food there Miley yeah she's probably gonna devoured she got over excited and she was like meet at my god it's meet meet meet meet meet meet meet meet yeah it comes with being a werewolf I am back to the story yeah sorry about that I can't help myself from meat sometimes yeah I can tail Nicholas says to her it's OK OK I understand still getting used to controlling yourself around meek huh yeah she says to him looks like I need to get a new plate of food luckily I did order you something else I kind of figured this would happen says Nicolas to her just got a big grin on his face I love you you're so adorable thank you, Miley blushes oh yeah before I forget says Nicolas I also ordered us some wine oh thank you she says to him and you survive a conversation with my dad and you didn't put holes in you since you know that is a hunter well yeah I would tell that well I was just saying she says to him laughing so eventually you know I want to make a wedding plans what do you think yeah sure he says to Miley awesome in 20 minutes later they get done with their meal go to the movies and two hours later they get done with the movie home for some special on time so Miley Nicolas to her oh you know maybe with kissing and go from there 👉👈 and is this kissing and making out it's hot and steamy enough for them but you know 😏 Nicolas that tickles no right to you silly boy how about a little bit of this his kisses Eric on her body wee why are you feel weird Miley says I guess there's a first time for everything eke Nicolas oh my can you 25 minutes later Miley's busy painting I am so hot but are you doing myself like that yeah me as well says Nicolas to her well if somehow you're not pregnant after all that then we must be doing it wrong did again it was the first time I hear the first time sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you do what snuggle for a bit yes please she says to him like to snuggle it's cute I love you Miley valentine he says to her she says to him Love you too Nicolas what do you mean I don't know your last name she says to him he said to her I don't remember my last name either well if it's all right with you I guess I'll go by your name whenever we do get married yeah sure that's OK with me she says cool Nicolas snuggly Bugli so awesome yet four years later come on Sally tried the walking onto mama go there girl good girl good girl Nicolas come here she's working oh so cute I know it's so cute good and says Nicolas she's also learning how to talk it's going pretty well I think oh yeah where is the sister of yours left a check she was on a date with the bartender known as tay, yeah oh well I'll go get that says Nick was hearing a knock on the door oh Winnifred you got it will go there with you yeah she says thinking I'm planning on taking care of him he's a cutie he looks about old is your daughter is it OK if he hang out with you for a bit I go talk to my husband about this and try to pick a name for him oh idea for a name Mark sounds like a good idea her name to me why do you guys think yeah they both said sound really cute I'll be right back for him

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