Chapter 23 - Making up

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Well, first of all, I wanted to say thank you as always for your support. Second, I am sorry it has taken me so long to update this story. I got a bit busy in life and got a bit of writers block. Now, I wanted to let you all know that this story is coming to an end. So, with that said I won't be updating as much on The Predator and his Prey. I want to concentrate on ending this one before I do too much on that story or any other future works, yes hint hint future is the key word. So, enjoy.


I couldn’t stop smiling. It had been a week since Zander had marked me and I hadn’t stopped feeling like I was flying on cloud nine. He was no better it turned out. Aidan, Jason and Alpha Jon kept teasing him about the faraway look he kept getting whenever they were hanging out. It was good to know it wasn’t just me. The thing about the bond though was that I could feel it even without anyone saying anything. There were times I would be in my office alone working and suddenly this overwhelming feeling of nothing but adoration would come over me. It wasn’t my own feelings or thoughts, they were his.

For the first week, Dominique and Angelique took me under their wings. I was no longer in training, I was officially the Alpha female now. My words suddenly went from having no weight in them to one wrongly worded sentence sending Darius down to his knees in submission. It was freaky. I wasn’t born with Alpha blood but once my DNA mixed with Zander’s, I became of Alpha blood.

But it wasn’t just learning my new role as Alpha, the new power I held but there was also the fact that now that I was marked, our physical contact was going to get harder to control. I wasn’t ready to mate with Zander, not in that way. I was still a virgin and I didn’t think we were ready in our relationship to take that step. But that didn’t stop either of us from running from rooms out of nowhere to take a run in the woods away from each other, or to take cold showers.

“We told you that once he marked you that it would get harder.” Dominique said, a smile playing on her lips. I fell back on my bed in frustration.

“You didn’t tell me it was going to send me into hormonal over drive!” I yelled into the pillow that was covering my face. I was locked in my room refusing to go anywhere near my mate. These days the mere sight of him sent my body into lustful thoughts.

“How bad is it really, Aimi?” Angelique asked, just as amused as her twin.

“Let’s just say that if he were to walk in right now, we both would be fighting to not hump each other’s legs.” I growled into the pillow at just the thought. Both women laughed.

“I think, and I could be wrong, you have no one to blame for that but your mate.” Angelique answered. I pulled the pillow away from my face and looked at her for more explanation. Instead her sister gave it.

“You remember when we told you how he might be struggling to stay in control before he marked you?” She asked and when I nodded she continued. “Well, he is of Alpha blood and an Alpha. He has always been sexually active and had a healthy libido, but now that he is with you, he isn’t active. At least not to that degree he once was.” I threw the pillow over my face again.

“In other words, the big bad Alpha is in blue ball hell.” Both women laughed.

“Yes. Times ten, since now you are marked his wolf is pushing to complete the process. So, I think what you are feeling is because of what he is feeling. His moods, feelings, urges are now being shared by you and vice versa.” Dominique explained.

“In other words, it’s like feeding fires. He has a fire burning, you are fueling it with your thoughts and feelings, which then makes the fire roar higher, but by doing so it feeds your fires inside of you.” Angelique finished.

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