Chapter 14 - The talk

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“I think we should plan Aimi a first date.” Cam said laying over her sleeping bag. It was dinner time but instead of having dinner at the table like we normally did, we had ordered Chinese and had it delivered by the staff down to the basement.

“Cam, as much as I think Aimi likes you, I think she would prefer her first date to be with Zander.” Sara said tossing a piece of shrimp into her mouth. Cam threw a fortune cookie at her, her aim getting much better as it hit Sara in the forehead.

“I think I would prefer it if my first date was planned by the guy.” I admitted. Ever since our secret game everyone had been talking about the things we all confessed. We had tried a few times to get Sara to sing for us some fifties songs but she refused. Angelique and Dominique had gotten up though and sang a duet of “Wind beneath My Wings.” Andrea had giggled the whole time.

“You honestly think Zander Blake is going to plan a first date?” Cam asked in shock and I had to admit the chick had a point. Most of his most romantic moments had been with the encouragement of Cam.

“Give my son some credit.” Dominique said though I couldn’t miss the fact she was smiling when she said it. She didn’t have much faith in him either.

“Were all the men like him?” I asked suddenly unable to help the question. The women all had amused looks on their faces but different reasons each.

“Aidan was never a playboy. Too much of a goof. Our first date he took me to dinner. It was nice nothing romantic though. I had a hard time trying to figure out if we were just friends. The second date he took me to shoot pool. The third one he took me to play miniature golf. The fourth date he took me to the batting cages. The fifth date I told him no, I had another date already.” Megan reminisced.

“How did he take that?” Cam asked feeding Andrea some rice.

“He tracked me down and stormed into the bar we were at. Told the guy to stay away from me, to change colleges, find a new pack. Then dragged me out of the bar and banned me from ever going out with anyone else again, I was his.” Megan shook her head laughing.

“And a few dates later you met Zander.” I laughed remembering that part of their love story well.

“Oh, yeah! The idiot Alpha who took me on a first date and ended up with another she-wolf in his lap when I went to the bathroom. I actually didn’t know Aidan was the Beta until he brought me back here. Once I figured that part out, things made a whole lot more sense.”

“What about you and Alpha Jon?” Sara asked Dominique. She folded up her legs so she was sitting Indian style.

“Our first date, he took me on a picnic. Ten years later he built the home we live in now on that same spot.” She smiled and all the women awed at the thought.

“You and your Damian?” I turned to Angelique.

“He took me dancing. I was so shocked to learn the man had such good moves on the floor. When I announced my mating to him, my mother told me that if a man could move well on the dance floor he could move well in the sheets.” We all laughed as the twins shook their head at the memory of their mother. I smiled sadly when the laughter died down, I would never have that peep talk before with my mother.

“I hear you and Chris are an item now, Sara.” Megan interrupted my thoughts. I looked at Sara who sighed heavily.

“We are dating. But I wouldn’t call us an item. He treats me just the same as when we weren’t dating. Honestly, hearing all of your stories and the way you feel about your men, even the bad feelings. I don’t know about being with Chris.” She laid down on her stomach and looked up at us all.

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