Chapter 2

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"BAKUGOU!" Kaminari yells running into the room with a small but long box. "Yes Kami?" The Ash Blonde asked. "I wanna do a challenge!" The Electric Blonde smiles. "What challenge?" Katsuki asks. "Its called the Pocky Challange" He says showing Bakugou the small box that said Pocky on it. "How do you do this so called challenge?" The Ash Blonde asked.

"Alright so you start by taking a Pocky and putting one end in your mouth and your partner takes the other end and puts it in their mouth and then you both start to eat it getting closer and closer and the one who pulls away first loses" He explains.

"Mk" The Ash Blonde says. "Wanna do it?!" Kaminari asks. "I guess" Bakugou says. "Yay!" Kaminari excites. "Wait" Bakugou blushes. "Yes?" Kaminari asks. "What if no one pulls away?" The Ash Blonde blushes even more. "I guess we end up kissing until at least one of us pulls away" The Electric Blonde smiles causing Katsuki to blush way more if even possible. "Lets start!" Kaminari says unboxing the Pocky's.

Kaminari then puts one side of the Pocky in his mouth then motions for Bakugou to do the same. Once Bakugou had gotten ready Kaminari started a little countdown with his fingers starting at 3.

As they started to eat the Pocky Katsuki watch as him and Kaminari got closer and closer making him blush. As they got to the last little bit Bakugou pulls away. "I WIN!" Kaminari smiles. Katsuki laughs and crosses his arms. "Wanna go again?" The Electric Blonde asks the Ash Blonde teen. "Sure" Katsuki smiles.

After getting ready once again Kaminari did his little finger count down. This round Bakugou didn't back down. Instead he kept hold of the game and ended up kissing his Electric Blonde best friend. After their small Make-Out session Kaminari finally pulls away to catch his breath. "Wow!" The Electric Blonde smiles making The Ash Blonde blush. "Your a good kisser" Katsuki blushes. "You to Kat" Kaminari smiles.

The Ash Blonde then yawns and falls onto his bed pulling Kaminari with him. "Sleep time" Katsuki whispers. "Mk" Kaminari says cuddling into Bakugou and falling asleep.

Word count- 366

Pocky ChallangeWhere stories live. Discover now