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Scared I woke up, by the knocks on the door ......I approached that large mahogany oak door and put my ear on the door (trying not to make noise, so they wouldn't know there was someone) when the voice said again: - Open me, we must talk .....It was Raj's voice, (Anjali had called him and decided to leave us alone).I asked him to leave: - please go, I don't want to talk ...Raj :( who kept hitting said)- that you forget the promise we made to ourselves?Me: - which one?Raj: together until death ....(and that memory of the window with the sun bathing us at dawn on the balcony, came to my mind), I just cried falling on my knees on the floor, hugged me alone, while he was still knocking on the big door asking me to open)Calm down, breathe; I dried my tears, I sat up and all erect and proud I opened that great door ...Raj watched me for a few seconds, then he came in, hugged me, took my face in his hands and kissed me with such passion that I gave in to those kisses that brought me back to life ...But a feeling of pain brought me back to reality and I abruptly pulled away from him; That (that move on my part) showed him how hurt his meeting with Meera at the workshop had left me ...He took my hand and led me to the sofa, where silence roamed for a few seconds and then he said:- Look ... I won't lie to you, what you saw was real(I was amazed by his words, I was speechless)Raj: - but with that I closed a cycle ... Shakti approached me at that moment and suddenly I saw your face reflected in her, reflected in my mind and that we would still have a life together since we would be parents ...... - I love you and you can't imagine how much .... and when you disappeared I looked everywhere; I went out desperate to look for you, fearing that something bad will happen to you and I could not forgive myself for leaving you alone, less for her .... Already in my madness ..Anjali called me and calmed me down by telling me that you were fine and that you were at her house sleeping ... You don't know how I thanked Allah that you were fine ...Suddenly there were very strong and constant knocks on the door, we thought that Anjali was coming back; but it was not like that; she had a key .... the screaming and knocking became constant .... they asked us to open it ..... when we finally understood what they were saying we realized it was "H" screaming for us to get out ...We look for alternative outlets but we cannot find them; We thought about jumping out of the window but we doubted that the blow would be too strong; we were on a 3 floor ....The knocks on the door increased more and more and finally we heard the shout: - knock it down .... the next thing was such a strong blow to that door so heavy that it made it bounce against the wall and leave it open ...Raj began to fight with H's men; but this one in an oversight struck him; To reach me, holding my wrist, he turned me to take me by the waist and manage to fit a knife to my neck ... he shouted:- Kaali !!!!!!! (and he automatically stopped)H's men rose from the ground, drew their weapons, and Kaali could do nothing now; just sit still and worry about the situation ......NARRA KAALI ......Terror invaded Sisa's face ..... how did they find us? (That doubt circulated in my head), then I remembered that Shakti; I observed that H's henchmen were filming the area near the house ... they had not seen Sisa leave, but they had followed me ...Sisa although terrified, I was calm but I feared for our lives, it would not be a problem if we fought hand to hand, but none of these men have honor, they only used weapons to solve problems ...We looked for alternative exits but we couldn't find them, we were on a 3rd floor ... No, we couldn't jump out the window, we would get hurt in the fall ...Outside, H became impatient and banged harder on the door and when there was no response from us, he shouted:- knock it down .... and that's how a loud bang sounded and the next thing we saw; it was the door bouncing against the wall and being left open ...H and his men rushed in; I defended ourselves in a fight with them, but suddenly H came forward and hit me carelessly and consequently grabbed Sisa's wrist, making her turn towards him and then holding her by the waist tightly and putting a knife to her neck ... .- Let go (I told him) and he in a great laugh said:- Hahaha, you think I'm stupid, if I let go of her none of us will get out of here alive. Except you with her, there my friend you are wrong ... I lost my honor a long time ago and weapons are my message ...That was the last I heard, as I felt a strong knock on the back of my neck; which knocked me out and as I fell to the ground I saw Sisa and I heard her screaming and approaching me (after managing to let go of H) ... but before she could reach me; He took her by the waist, while she still struggled to get loose .......When I woke up, Shakti was trying to get me up ...Stunned, I asked about Sisa to which she replied: - I'm sorry, I came and they took her away, I didn't follow them because she screamed that she will help you ....While I was recovering, Shakti made a call accusing everyone of what had happened and that he will be deployed to find Sisa ...My cell phone rang suddenly and it was Anjali who had followed H's car and gave me the location ...I ran without hesitation and took the car leaving Shakti alone at the house, without any explanation. ..Narra SisaScared of the blows; We saw how the door bounced against the wall, leaving it open ...H's men rushed into the house and although fear invaded my heart I tried to be as calm as possible, since Anwar and Shakti had trained me for such situations (At my request) ....Kaali fought with them for a few minutes trying to defend us but it was useless, since in an oversight H hit him, allowing him to get to me; taking me by the wrist and thus turning towards him to get hold of my waist and put a sharp blade on my neck (which froze me with fear, without losing my composure)Kaali when seeing this shouted: -Let her goWith a great laugh he saidH: - haha, you think I'm stupid, if I let go of her none of us will get out of here alive. Except you with her, there my friend you are wrong ... I lost my honor a long time ago and weapons are my message ...Then H made a sign with his head and one of his men struck Kaali on the back of the neck, causing him to fall to his knees to the ground.I hit H and managed to free myself and ran towards him before falling completely to the ground; but before I could get there, H took me by the waist and held me down while I fought for him to let go of me; I fought and I fought and I couldn't; They took me out of the place leaving Kaali lying on the ground ...While I was fighting to be released, H kept moving out of the house and got into his car .....But before I got on I saw how Shakti and Anjali came to the house and I screamed-Shaktiiiii !!!! help him !!!!!H got me into the car and they advanced at full speed ...... away from the place ....Anjali narrates.Shakti ran to the house and I took my scooter and drove after them; They drove several km until they reached the curve where the Sacred Heart presides over the road next to the beach ....and there they were for a long time in silence ... doing nothing, just waiting and since Didi gave them problems they put her to sleep ...I called Kaali on his cell phone and he automatically answered me and I told him where they were ...As he looked and waited for another car he stopped but no one got out, only with the door open, while H was talking to whoever was inside ...Kaali's car arrived within minutes ...Shakti narrates ...Anjali had called me to tell me that Kaali and Sisa were at her house ... so I looked for her at the food stand where she was and we headed to her house ...We were close to the house; we saw how H took Didi out of the house by taking the one from her waist, while she struggled to get rid of him. I automatically stopped the car and ran towards them ..,Didi saw me and called out my name-Shaktiiiiii help loooooo !!!!!! ...I ran to the car to try to help her but she moved so fast that I couldn't help her ...I stopped for a few seconds; I looked at the house and ran as fast as I could, when I entered I saw how Kaali tried to get up, (after some blow he received) ...I called for Anjali to bring water; but he was not, he did not appear in the house or near me ...I ran to the door and watched him go on his scooter ...Seeing Kaali stunned, I took the cell phone and called Anwar to pick us up and bring help.But when I turned around to tell Kaali; this was gone; Suddenly I heard a car speed up on the shoulder and it was him speeding off in my car and leaving me there alone .. ..I cursed 2 times and as called by GOD Anwar; that was close came quIckly.

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