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Victor narrates: When I got home, desperate screams could be heard coming from Raj's room right where the young woman was from yesterday. I entered the house; rushed (the front door was always open and I never understood why? When I walked in I heard Pooja scream for help and saw Veer running towards the room; I worried, I hurried to know what was happening and when I entered I saw Pooja with the young woman; trying to calm her and she wouldn't let them touch her and she cried desperately, her breathing was ragged; I realized I was having a panic attack; I raised my voice and asked Pooja and Veer to move away so that the stranger could calm down. When the young woman saw that we were moving away, she calmed down (I do not blame her, who came from what traumatic situation, it was understandable that she will act like this; trying to protect her life) I slowly approached her and told her who was as calm as possible. .. - Hello .... my name is Víctor, I am a doctor and I am a friend of this family who welcomed you yesterday, you suffered a shock and as the one who helped you, my friend brought you here and called me so that he will review you and assure me that everything is all right... She looked at me puzzled, but her frightened face gradually calmed down more and more. I said to him: - Everything will be fine, let us help you and I asked that you come and present them, look, it is Pooja who helped me to review you yesterday and he is Veer, the brother of whom he helped you ... She again began to panic clutching her head, remembering yesterday; we saw that he took out the cover from her and she pounced to walk; but could not; since she fell to the ground and cried inconsolably and screamed that she did not feel her legs ... That scared me since that was not going to find out if she did not say it .. she started to go crazy. She was crying inconsolably, Pooja approached her and spoke to her but the stranger did not answer, I asked Veer to bring water and I took my cell phone and called Carlos the driver of the ambulance at my clinic, gave him the address and all that remained was to wait. I approached her and since she was crazy, it was not a problem injecting a sedative to make her fall asleep. And when she fell into Veer's arms, Raj entered worried about the screams and saw how the young woman was held by her younger brother. Veer: brother you came Raj: - what happened? He turned around and looked at me waiting for an answer; but I just told him that we were waiting for the ambulance. Raj: - what? What happens ? Tell me Victor ...
Me: -Well, she went into panic attacks and wanted to get up and fell, between cries she said she didn't feel her legs and she went crazy, so I had no choice but to sedate her. There it is, the ambulance arrived; Raj picks her up and carries her over to the stretcher. I need to do some studies and see what happens and rule out any problems. I saw Raj approaching her very worried, he looked at her for a few seconds, he lifted her in his arms and took her to the stretcher and discussed with me that he would go with her and would not separate until she was well ... Thus determined, he got into the ambulance, along with the stranger, and we headed to the clinic ......

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