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"LAPD OPEN UP!" said the person on the other side of the door.

"ahh shit" we all said in unison.

jordan: broooo look at what tf y'all did

dami: dead ass you better not snitch

jordan: what to say!??

you: we're friends and we just came here because we wanted to hang. nothing more nothing less

~after giving jordan the run down she walks to the door and open it.. there are two white male officer at the door. they are also accompanied by a police hound.~

officer 1: hello, miss we've received some noise complaints and worries that there was a fight or a serious altercation at this residence. is everything ok?

jordan: uhh y-yes everything's fine

officer 2: if you don't mind me asking.. what's that gash on your head. it looks fresh.

A/N: damn kota u must've really punched the fuck outta her 😭

jordan: an accident. my friends and i were dancing on the beds and my clumsy self fell and hit my head on the dresser.

A/N: luh lying ass 💀😭😭

officer 2: ok... are you ok? do you need medical assistance?

jordan: no thank you, i'm fine

~the officers finished questioning jordan and as they started to leave the police dog started to bark. all of our faces dropped. i looked at dami because he's most likely to have drugs or something on him but then i remembered weed is legal here....however, only if your 21 and older 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️...~

you: dami pls tell me you don't have weed on you bro

dami: naw ion have shit i left it in the car

zam: so why tf the dog barking ??

you: tana ??? namil???

namil: i don't smoke nigga you know that

tana: i don't either

you: ZAMINZO ?


dami: ....jessida ?

you: be forreal... we all know ive never smoked or even considered it

~the officer didn't have a search warrant so they couldn't do anything but they asked jordan one more thing~

officer 1: have you guys been smoking any canabis or are there any drugs in you guys possession ?

jordan: no sir

officer 1: are you positive ?

jordan: yes i'm positive

officer 2: ok well we're gonna leave you with a warning. if you guys have canabis please discard it, unless you're 21 and older. also if you've been drinking wockhardt i'd like to inform you that's it's not for home purposes and is illegal. this is your warning

jordan: i understand

~jordan closes the door and sighs~

jordan: bro deadass who tf has drugs in here?

namil: nobody now pay up hoe

jordan: fine but after i give y'all the money can y'all please leave

zam, tana, dami, slump, and you: yea

~she gives us the money for the damage plus some. i'm guessing she really wanted us out lmao. after receiving the money we all started toward the door. jordan walked with us to the door to ensure we weren't bullshitting~

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