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One Week Later

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One Week Later

It has been a week and I can't seem to shake the feeling that Jake is going to do something crazy. I clutched my books closer to my chest and sighed. Today was going to be like every other day. Melina was going to pull up in Jake's car and I would have to watch him act as though he loves her. I was praying that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her since I denied him. I looked up and frowned when I saw her walking towards me. She waved at me and I waved back. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. Why was she walking? Why didn't he bring her to school like he always did? Did he tell her about us?

"Hey," she yawned running her fingers through her hair.

"Good morning, why aren't you riding with Jake?"

She rolled her eyes, "I broke up with him."

My eyes widened, "why? Did he do something to you?"

She shook her head, "not really. I just got bored with the relationship. Besides, I have my eyes on Jonathan."

I raised my eyebrow, "Jonathan Seals? The one who plays quarterback for the football team?"

She smirked, "yea. He and I had a date last night and it was so much fun. I didn't realize how much we had in common."

"That's good. But how did Jake take the breakup? I know that you two were feeling each other."

She sighed, "it was fun and I have to admit he is amazing in bed. But he isn't my type and I feel like he is too old for me."

"When did you start feeling this way? How did he take the breakup?" I didn't want to come off as suspicious but I wanted to know what happened and how he took it.

"I started feeling this way when he didn't want to take me out on a date. Besides, I feel like he has a girl that he likes anyway. He took the breakup well. We both decided that it would be best to go our separate ways."

Hearing that he had another woman that he was possibly seeing made me gulp. I was the other woman and I knew that for a fact. I sighed and clutched my books closer to my chest. Jake was a handful and I didn't know what I had to do to escape him. But one thing I knew for certain, was that I was happy that he was away from Melina. The last thing that I wanted was for him to hurt her because he was trying to get back at me. I smiled when I saw our college come into view. I knew that some people would find school annoying, but for me it was refreshing. It was a time in my life where I didn't have to focus on the outside world. I could get lost in my school work and not think about Jake and how he haunted me.

"We are super early today," Melina yawned.

I glanced at her and smiled. "What's wrong with being early? If you're early that means you're not late. And we all know what that means. When you're late you have to explain to our professor why."

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