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Kai Osborn was dangerous.

Younger sister and potentially non-biological, Willow Osborn was the shadow of her older brother. Whatever he did, she followed, simple as that. It's not like she wanted to listen to him, but the power he possessed. Her feet splashed into the puddles of the streets which being Tokyo, Japan where Willow—or simply just Will—lived her entire life. Her parents swore they would go to America to find better lives but the never returned. Will was ten when they left and only eleven when Will held a gun to protect herself when her parents couldn't. Her brother had always been watchful and protective over her—having powers that could kill a man in thirty seconds and ways to stash stacks of cash. Will and Kai felt on top of the world yet they always hit rock bottom.

In such a cruel and treacherous world, Will couldn't protect herself. She felt as if her brother were the Don of a Mafia gang and she was one of his goons. In business, they were never siblings, just coworkers you could call it. A gun or a knife couldn't protect herself from another Mafia gang but Kai could. His power was indescribable—an ability to reshape and destroy anything with the touch of his fingers. Kai had been a germaphobe though so anything he thought disgusting or filled with germs, he simply just blew it up with his fingertips.

Will didn't possess that kind of power.

The rain had been pouring down for several days now. Japan had reached its spring month and rain had covered its streets. Fluorescent lights bounced on the surface of her tanned skin and her heavy winter coat had been shoved over her body to keep herself from being sick from the cold air. She continued to walk blocks to where her brother requested, legs tiring and bag starting to get heavier. Her brother only wanted her when he needed something—this time it was more important than ever.

Turning the corner, Will approached a alleyway with a small staircase leading to a door. She read the location on her phone which was cracked and walked through the alley to approach the door. The air smelt like smoke and wet socks. Walking up the slippery stairs, she knocked waiting for an answer.

The eye hole slid open, a man in a deep voice questioning who the girl was. "It's me," a small peep escaped her mouth. She heard the door click and widen open for her to step in.

The space inside seemed to be some sort of garage—pieces of metal tool scattered upon table tops and a group of criminals sitting in a circle with metal chairs underneath them. The League of Villains.

There had been something odd with these group of villains. They were almost like a family—always looking out for her and taking care for her when Kai was gone most of the time. Her brother stood in the center of the circle, scratching at his neck rapidly. He broke out into hives again.

Since Kai is an extreme germaphobe, any speckle of dirt or blood for that matter touches him, his skin forms a red rash then into hives. Will always hated this— she would want to go places with her big brother by her side like any other kid would want to but his germ disease ( as Will liked to call it ) got worse as she grew up.

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