Bonus chapter: Jungho

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Jungkook closes the manga he's reading and sighs. "These characters suck, I don't wanna read about them anymore."


"They're all so clichéd, like the girl is so painfully dumb and the guy is a straight up asshole, there's no way this relationship between them would last."


"You're not listening, are you?."


"The weather is nice today."


"I think I'm gonna get a tattoo."

"mhm- wait, what??" Chaeyoung turns her head in the speed of light to stare at her boyfriend, who's grinning victoriously.

"I finally got your attention."

It was the second week of summer vacation and naturally, Chaeyoung decided to stay with Jungkook till the start of the new semester. The thought of going back home crossed her mind but things were still rocky between her and her parents and she didn't want to deal with their cold treatment anymore, so here she was, comfortably sitting on the sofa with her boyfriend's head nestled on her lap, aggressively refreshing the school's website because her grades are supposed to be out any day now and she's been stressing about them since her finals were over. Jungkook has told her one too many times not to fret over them, but old habits die hard, and the fear of underperforming is still there, eating at her every microsecond.

"Were you serious about the tattoos?" she asks, her worry over the grades completely forgotten.

He smirks. "You seem to be into the idea."

"Well.." she looks away. "I'm not opposed."

"Where would you like me to get them?"

Her answer comes faster than lightning "Arms." she nods as she thoroughly checks his biceps. "Definitely the arms."

Jungkook shakes his head with a smug smile. "Didn't know you had a thing for my arms."

Chaeyoung quirks a brow. "Do you not see me ogling at them every two seconds?"

"No, 'cause I'm too busy staring at your beautiful face." he gets up and drops a quick kiss to her lips before he steals her phone from her hand and puts it in his back pocket.

"Hey!" she protests. "Give it back, my grades could be out any minute now!"

"baby," he holds her by the shoulders. "You've been glued to your phone since you woke up, you barely ate anything today. That's not good." he says and Chaeyoung could only pout. He is right afterall. She can't remember the last time she put food in her mouth, and she loves food! stress turns her into a completely different person.

"So, how about we busy ourselves by cooking something? what do you wanna eat?" he asks and the answer comes to them both at the same time.

"Japchae!" they say in union and smile at each other. "You know me so well." she looks at him adoringly.

"I'd be a bad boyfriend if I didn't." he pulls her off the couch by the hands and drags her to the kitchen. Chaeyoung has never been fond of cooking, in fact, she used to think it was useless. Why spend hours of your day cooking a meal just to finish it in 10 minutes? and then you have to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. That's a lot of wasted time. But she came to realize the importance of home cooked meals once she left home for uni and managed to survive a total of ten days on packed ramens and takeouts before she gave up and started cooking for herself and Lisa, who unfortunately turned out to be evern worse than Chaeyoung at cooking. She can't even boil an egg to save her life.

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