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hello, first, thanks for like 3k reads :D, second, i wrote this fic in like a day n then waited fer people to actually read it cuz no one was active in the kny fandom back than,,,,,,,,,,n i have like another chapter, idk how well it is cuz 's been several years since ive even touched this fic n i jus wanted ta know if you guys are interested in a bonus chapter/epilogue/whatever, cuz its like basically already done, sad ending and all, complete, finished, but yknow the fans get what the fans want, so i will publish the unedited bonus chapter due to (mildly) popular demand

im really sorry fer like, not replying to all the comments, i actually, like i really dont think this fic is super good cuz i wrote it when i was in like middle school so,,,,,,,,i tried reading it and this one spelling error tripped me up so bad that the entire thing was jus ruined, idk how you guys are doin this

anyways yeah thanks for reading :0 n if ya wanna leave a comment i read all of them even if idk how ta respond ta sum of them,,,,and yeah, have a nice day, thanks again :))

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