Death-Josh (PART 3)

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ok so this is shit but yeah, sorry it took a bit to get out but i'm trying 😚

warnings:dead people 🤪, cursing 🤬

"AHHHH" You scream

There they were, Simon and Kate


But Alive.

They were standing up straight, Kates face in slices, Simons head cut into. You got memories of them. You couldn't take this anymore. You ran out of the shower, threw on a towel and ran downstairs where you threw yourself onto the couch.

(A.N. i swear there is a couch down there ;-; if not imma sound real dumb but whatever let's continue this shit show)

Josh came running downstairs,

"Y/n? Is that you?" He says cautiously walking down the steps

"Holy shit y/n what the fuck?" He asks running towards you.

You didn't answer, you just put your head in his chest and sobbed. Even if you did say something what would you say? You knew he wouldn't believe you.

"C'mon y/n, tell me what's wrong" He says rubbing circles on your back (A.N. that'll make your puthay throb 😩)

"I-i saw t-t-them, not in the dr-dream, in real l-l-life." You say looking Josh in eyes

"What do you mean?"  He says concerned

"When I was in the shower, I heard the door open. I yelled at them to get out but then I saw them. Kate, with her head sliced. And Simon, with his head cut." You said looking at Josh's wall of killers

"What if they're back" You say before Josh can say anything

"The killers?" Josh says looking at the wall then you


"We ended it" He said

"Ok, we'll I'm gonna go change" You say getting up and leaving

You couldn't believe it.

The killers might be back

ok sorry this is shit but i said i would update so i did (i did this on my phone bc i cant find my laptop so sorry if the spacing and shit is wrong)

after writing this i realized how long this would be... now i'm deciding if i should make this a story, should i? if i did i would start from the beginning to end then work my way to here which would take awhile and you would already know some things that happen later but idk tell me what you think

word count-394 words

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