Innocents of Ryloth

413 12 16

Kotep's POV

General Windu, General Kenobi and I were headed for the Gunships.

"The first trick will be getting our troops on the ground." Obi-Wan says.

"If you take the city of Nabot first, we'll have our landing zone." Master Windu says.

"Well, it's time to meet the natives." Obi-Wan says.

"Indeed, General Kenobi." I agree. The gunships blast doors/windows close. I feel them deploy after a while.

"We need to remember why we're here." I say to the men.

"We came to aid the Twi'leks, not destroy their home. Cody." Obi-Wan saysm before we step back to let the Commander of the 212th talk to his men.

"That means we'll be taking it back the hard way! Minimal destruction with blasters and droid poppers only! No rockets or detonators. Check your aim, keep an eye out for the locals. Am I understood?" Uncle Cody says to his men.

"Sir, yes sir!" Waxer, Boil, the other Clones and I confirm.

"*sighs* If we're here to free the tail-heads, the least they can do is get out of our way." Boil says as he checks his blaster.

"What was that Boil?!" I say from where I was standing, pulling on my helmet. I then flare my wings slightly for intimidation, knowing that it kinda made me look scary.

"Nothing sir!" he replies, making me smirk behind my helmet.

General Windu's hologram activates in front of General Kenobi and I.

"We can't risk landing the larger transports until you two take out those guns!" Master Windu says.

"Pull back! We'll take care of it!" Obi-Wan says.

"We'll contact you when we've taken them out, General Windu!" I agree before General Windu cut off the connection. I feel the gunship shake slightly.

"Who's up for a challenge?!" I say to the men as I stand beside General Kenobi.

"We're not getting any reinforcements until those guns are out of commission!" he agrees, before Waxer and Boil roll their eyes.

"Here we go again." Waxer says to Boil.

"Oi, Boil!" I say.

"Yes, sir?" he asks.

"I expect to see plenty of droid heads when this is over. Maybe we'll compare notes on how best to deactivate a Clanker." I say with a smirk he couldn't see physically but he can hear in my tone, he looks surprised before he smirks.

"Sir, yes sir!" he says. I chuckle while smirking beneath my helmet.

I feel the ship descending, before the blast doors/windows open up showing that were above Ryloth's tree line at least. The ships hover a few inches off the ground, letting us all off. We run through the trees as fast and silent as we could. We soon see the borders of the village and we took cover from the droids firing at us! I was with Boil and Waxer. We return fire.

"C'mon men, let's go! Go, go, go, go!" Cody says to the men. I charge forward with Boil and Waxer, using my light sabers to deflect or block shots. We took cover.

"That bunker's gonna be a problem ,General!" Cody calls out to General Kenobi.

"Leave the bunker to me! Bring in your troopers on my signal!" Obi-Wan says to Cody.

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