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After what felt like forever, the uber finally pulled up to the graveyard. He parked, unlocked the doors, and waited for the kids to exit. They took what felt like 30 minutes to get out of the car. The uber driver hadn't talked to them the whole ride. When he did speak, he sent chills down their spines.

"What brings 4 kids to a cemetery in the middle of the day." He said in a perverted like tone

The kids ignored the question and hopped out the car. Waiting for him to leave before they turned their backs.

"That man creeped me out more than this cemetery does" says Jayden

"I know right. Anyways do we know what we are supposed to be looking for?" says Eden

"Probably something that this key goes to. Does anything stick out?" Says Gemma

"No, nothing just sticks out to me in a cemetery Gemma." Says Derick

"No need to have attitude." Says Gemma "Maybe we need to search for the mausoleum, that's probably what this key goes to"

So that's exactly what they did. The 4 decided it would be faster to split up. They all wanted to spend as little as possible time there.

"Ill go with Gemma." Says Eden

"I love you Eden, but I think it would be better for both of us to pair up with a boy just in case we come across something too heavy to lift or pick up. I would of course go with Jayden. Nothing would get done if Derick and I pair up. Jayden can still get a lot done with his crutches and I'll be here to help him as well." Says Gemma

"I think that's best actually." Says Derick

*Wow the first time Derick and Gemma have ever agreed*

"Okay I understand. I'll be the brains and Derick will be the scrawny brawns. I love you, too Gemma. Stay safe yall." Says Eden

"Same for yall... And..." Gemma tries to continue, but when she turned around, they were already gone.

Gemma saw this as weird. She knew Eden would never leave in the middle of them talking. She shrugged it off and just hoped they would all meet in the same spot.

"Let's go Gemma. They will be fine." says Jayden

"But we didn't even set up a meet up spot" says Gemma

"The Mausoleum shouldn't be that hard to find. I'm sure we will see them when they get there. Let's hurry before dark." Says Jayden

"I'm taking your word for this" says Gemma

Gemma starts out in east direction. The sun is starting to set now. She turns on her flashlight on her phone. They find the Mausoleum surprisingly quickly, but they cannot enter because they don't have the key. They begin to call out for Derick and Eden.


They yell to their loudest ability. They become fearful because they don't get a response nor a sign that they hear them. To afraid to wake the dead, they stop yelling and hope that they are just too far away to hear. Gemma begins to cry.

"No, what's wrong" says Jayden while going into console Gemma

"What do you mean what's wrong. My best friend is missing" says Gemma

"I promise you her AND Derick will show up." Says Jayden

"Shut up." Gemma says while softly crying in his arms

After a little while they hear a voice.


"Its Eden's voice." Says Gemma

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