chapter 5

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Techno gets everyone decked out in armor then they all go towards the prison hearts are all beating, but they're all calm, knowing they have it under control they are all showing no emotion.  " we're here. " says techno " i'll fire my bow when we're out of the prison. " techno nodded. then y/n and wilbur  look at each other. " wilbur go like a thousand block away and pretend you're in trouble, make something up. " he nodded. 

* techno splashes himself with invisibility and hides behind the prison waiting for the sign *

* y/n rings the bell to get into the prison. * 

" hello? Sam! "

" y/n, are you wanting to see the prisoner today? " 

" no, i actually came to get help, theres something wrong with Wil and I dont know what to do! sam i need your help!!! "

" wait, whats wrong with wilbur, im sorry im on duty right now i can come help, im not leaving the prison unattended."

" Sam, sam please. its impoartant!!" 

* y/n starts fake crying and panicking *

" sam, sam please. please its important! wil theres something wrong with him!"

" Y/n, i cant leave the prison unattended , im sorry you're going to have to find some one else "

" Please, please! SAM.. you're the only father figure on right now. phils not on."

" okay, fine. fine. but i cant leave for wrong, and you must know, if something happens i wont be very happy. "

" nothing will happen.. just please hurry sam! "

* sam rushes out of the prison to go help wilbur ;) *

"where is he y/n" still panicking and fake crying y/n turns around and shoots her bow giving techno the sign. 

" This way sam"

they arrive and wilbur is also fake crying y/n even thought it was real.

" whats wrong wilbur?" asked sam

"sam. sam, nikki is nowhere to be found and all she left was a note saying goodbye, what do i do!! where would she have gone Sam! "

* y/n is thinking to herself that wilbut must've gotten nikki into the plan without us knowing, she smirks *

" i have to go back to my home, sam please help him "

* y/n rushes back to snowchester *

** Techno's Pov **

I seen y/n's arrow and ran to the front of the prison breaking in but standing there was Antfrost and badboyhalo " techno, what are you doing arent allowed to be here." says Antfrost skeptical. Ijust scream death and kill THem both and rush towards the main cell,m where dream is. knowing i dont have alot of time before the prison alarm goes off, finally i get to the main cell. " TECHNO!!? " screams dream " why are you here!!" " IM HERE TO BREAK YOU OUT DREAM!! HERE" * i ender pearl over the lava and throw dream armor and weapons, gapples, ender pearls everything he needs * " Dream we gotta go, i killed two of the gaurds and y/n and wilbur are distracting sam, but the secon you step out of the prison that alarm will go off, i need you to run to my cabin, y/n will be there. shes covering for us. now GO GO GO!!!" " WHERES SAM?" " dont worry about sam dream, he will be here soon now go!!!!"

* end of technos pov *

they rush out of the prison and the alarm starts going off  " GOGOGO!!! " screamed techno Sam hears the alarm " WAIT WHAT i knew this would happen! wil i gotta go!" Sam rushes to the prison and he sees  antfrost and bbh standing there in disappointment " WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HOW DID HE ESCAPE !!!" " language!" " nows not the time for a language bad, dreams gone!" responded antfrost. " Is somebody gonna tell me what happened? or what" 

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