Chapter 20

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Here it is ladies and gentleman

October 10th 2014

Why does everything hurt so much? Especially my stomach, not so much my stomach. My ribs maybe. Oh wait a big 180 pound guy hit,me with full force.

"Guys" she's up,"Aw, Cory looks cute crying.

"Did we win? I know I got tackled and ever guy thing, but...did we win?"

"Yes, and Denver did your spot justice. Now don't worry about that. All that matters is that, your okay," then he kissed me on the head.

"Don't scare me like that Tyler. I just met you this year, I can't lose you again. I know the injury wasn't fatal, but your still my kid sister."

"I know that Jon, but I'm fine, we'll as fine as I can be. Anyway how bad is it?"

"It's good to see you up Ms.Good; you have loads of questions young lady, and I'm here to answer them,"he's such a douche. "You only suffered a few fractured and a mild concussion. So you won't be playing football anymore this year, or any sports in that matter."

"That sucks, but at least I'm okay, nothing serious happened."

"My baby's awake,"my mom cried, walking in. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine mom, I'm just happy their we're going to the next round."

"That's my girl, only worrying about winning and not her well being,"I could see the dried up tears in her eyes. I feel kind of bad now calling that play, and seeing her like this. It isn't fair to her.

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean for things to happen like this."

"It's okay, you didn't know,a big burly dude would come and tackle you. I mean no one knows when it happens," even in the state my mom's in, she still had a way with words. Gosh, everyone but me knows how to word awesomely except me. It's. Lihe I'm immune to it.

It dosen't matter though, I have awesomer skills than Jon, so boom. Anyway I'm sleepy, goodnight.

The next time I woke up, the room was empty except for this random guy sitting next to my bed. Who in the hell is this dude by my bed. I've never seen him before in my life. I mean I would've remembered him, I'm awesome with names and faces.

"Who are you?"

"That's not important, I just want to know how you've been doing? I haven't seen you in so long."

"I'm actually doing really great random strange guy. Even if my mom probably dosen't want me tallking to you because you are a strange-"

"Get away from her Daniel, you lost the right to come near her when you walked out on me twice. So leave!"

As the man walked out, I couldn't help, but wonder who that guy was."Mom who was that?"

"Honey, thst was your father."My father? But he didn't seem like and evil son of a bitch like my mom always described him as. Plus he looks alot younger than my mom like 20 years younger. My mom did say she was 21 and he was 14 when they first met and when they had Jon, and it makes since for him to walk out then because of his age. But when they had me he was 29 turning 30, so there was no reason for him to leave her. She was 36 though. No offenswe mom.

"Mom he didn't seem like a butthole,"I hate flitering myself, it sucks.

She just shook her head.


November 9th


Its been a month since I actaully met my dad and he's actually been keeping in touch with me, and mty mom's fine with that. She hasn't completely forgiven him yet, but he's getting her love back. And that makers me so happy to say that. Today he decided to go take me to the park with him and I couldn't wait.

"Hey dad," I said as we got into the car.

"Hey Tyler."

The rest of the drive was completely silent. It was kind of uncompfortable. I shivered from the AC. He reached his hand down and turned it down, then smiled at me.

"What park are we going to?"

"The one closest to Walmart. I nodded then just layed back."Hey are you thirsty?'

"Yeah, you got water?"

He handed me a water bottle from in the back of of his car. Idrank one sip of it and well it tasted, kind of funny. I looked at him, and he had this smile on his face. Then I blacked out


I really like cliffhangers that I write. I don't like reading them, so I gave you one. your welcome.

At the top is Easy to Love by The Jezabels

If you can't read Chapter 17 you have to follow me.


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