Chapter 15

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After the show

"We're ending the show,"Mr.Levesque's eyes like so sorry.

"But they've never booed us out the building before,this was the first time any of them even thought to leave the show."

"I know, but you obviously haven't been reading Twitter feed, checking your instagram,or any other social media. I mean, yeah you do have those people who like this within the 10-19 age group, but everyone else doesn't like how you kids act like grown ups."

This was unfair. Just because a few hardcore fans and a bunch of others don't like the show,doesn't mean they have to stop for the rest of the show's population. The people at my school would seriously make fun of me for this show,if it's as bad as the hardcore people say it is.

"C'mon you'll get another chance to show them how awesome you are, bit right now they just aren't accepting enough, now you need to go to the hotel you look exhausted from tonight,"why couldn't he just stop smiling right now please!

I walked to the locker room my head down the whole time. Thinking of what I could do about this situation I was in. Maybe I should go back home. I mean football still is going on maybe coach'll let me play for the team.

"Well since the show is ending and all i guess I'll go back home to Cincinnati then,"tears glossed over my eyes, I really didn't want to leave.

"I hate to tell you kid, but your actually right, you do have to go. But I was wondering if Peter could come with you too,"Triple H smiled.

"And what about me dad I really want to go!"Sammie asked Kane.

"Yeah sis, I want to go to please,"his accent was gone for a second.

"Can I go Colby please,"Cory also had been crying a little since my big revelation. "I can't have a long distance relationship I'm to young."

"Dolph I already told mom and dad I'm going back."

"Yes, but you have to ask either Ms. Good or Mr. and Mrs. Nemeth."

We all cheered and then I ran up to Cory and kissed him right on the lips, I couldn't wait to see all my football assholes,even though they are assholes I still miss them a lot. Hopefully the whole gang'll tryout too.

"So what hotel we going to?"

"You don't worry about that just ride and worry about how you're going to tell your mother and Jon,"I nodded. Colby really had a way with words, only if Seth had adopted those from him he'd be awesome too.

When we got to the hotel room I called Jon first. Hopefully he's okay with it, I mean he did seem to jump to the opportunity of helping me. "Hey Tyler,"I heard his voice.

"I kind of possibly need to talk to you about something extremely important,"you can do this, hell probably be happy he won't have you to worry about.

"Hey, hello what do you need to tell me,"I blinked multiple times before answering.

"Well Hunter stopped the show, and now I'm going home to Ohio, with everyone else."

"Why'd he stop it?"

"Did you not watch tonight's show or something? You didn't hear all those boos of the people?"

"I'm sort I was working on set, but I'll watch it to see what you mean," well someone's totally paying attention to the show I work on.


Yeah I really didn't have anything big for that one.


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