Chapter 21

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Hey! I'm here.



I know some people might not be old enough to read this chapter, and I sure as hell am not old enough to write this kind of stuff , but you know what all you critics who have a problem withit I don't give any fucks AT ALL.

But if you can't read that kind of stuff then I have a warning set for you and after it I'll just paraphrase it for you at the end of my warning or chapter.


November 10th 2014

"Wake Up Tyler!" Where in the fuck am I? I want my mom. It's so dark in here. "If you don't remember I kidnapped you."

Oh yeah, that motherfucker did something to my water and here I am. This all fucking sucks, it's like life hates me. First, my dream ends because people don't like how I run the show, then my ribs gets cracked, lastly I get kidnapped, by my dad!

"Why are you doing this? I mean, your my dad for fucks sake. I thought you were a good person, but turns out your an ass, just like my mom said."

"Save the rest of your speech sweet heart, I really don't give a shit about what you have to say at all. Now I bet your wondering why I'm doing this, well lets just say I'm going to well you'll find out later," now I'm usually not scarrred of anything, but what was he going to do, I'm too young to losse my virginity if that's what he's talking about. Wait, is he going to gang rape me with a bunch of his friends! Then I won't be able to have kids and my life'll be ruined. And I won't be able to be in the WWE and have kids.


It had been an hour and nothing still had happened, so I guess he's trying to get me scarred or something. Well, he shouldn't, I just want to get this over with even if what I think is going to happen is going to hurt like hell.

"C'mon in Thomas, she's right here waiting for you. Isn't she pretty, that's my little girl right there."

"She is, I see why you'd want Gordon to go with her, perfect for each other. Bitch, come in here!"That's when a guy in chains and only underwear walked in. He looked like an exact replica of the Thomas guy. That had to be his son for sure.

He began to walk towards me, but I backed away, I didn't want him to touch me, his sons in fucking chains right now. Who knows what he'd do to me. Especially sincce I'm a girl. You never know what a guy twice my size will have this guy do to me.

"Go by Tyler, Gordon and put those chains on her wrists," I ran away from him, only to be grabbed by my dad and Thomoas. Gordon looked me in the eye with a look that said I'm sorry. I could tell he didn't want to do this to me, but he'd probably have some kind of punishment if he didn't.

He put the cuffs on my hands and that's when Thomas whispered something in his ear. Gordon furiously shook his head and refused to. His dad then gave him this crazy look in his eyes and slapped the hell out of him. "Just do it, I think I have a feeling about what he's telling you to do, I won't blame you for it, I'll blame those assholes."

He still shook his head, and that's when I heard the horrifying sound of a whip crashing onto someones back. When did my dad get a whip in his hand. More imprtantly, why can't he just, I can't believe I 'm even thinking this, but why can't he just fuck me already I want to get this over with, so maybe he can let me go, and I can go home. Far away from this terrible asshole of a man. I mean I never can get my virginty back, but I may can help him with something.

"Just fucking fuck me already, I don't want you to get hurt okay!" I usually wouldn't care about a guy so much, but maybe he needs to get out of here more than I do.

"If your okay with it, I'm sorry."




Then he slid off his boxers. How is that thing going to fit inside of me! He's fucking huge man howcan someone that big even go inside my small vigina. It's impossible!

"Sit down, on the ground," I did as he said then he went between my legs. He then put a finger inside me and began to moving it inside me. Has he done this before. What teenage boy, besides the whores of the world, knows how to finger a girl at their age. I mean there are the ones that watch porn and know how to do this stuff, but not physically have seen before.

"Dude I already started my menstraul cycle, please get a condom if your going to stick that huge thing inside me," my voice was way more shaky than I'd like it to be, but wouldn't you be scarred if you were losing it at 13 too.

His dad threw hiim a condom and I let out a content at the thought of not having to worry about having a kid at my age. I shouldn't even having sex right now, but my gluible ass just thinks everyone in the world is going to be as nice as the WWE Superstaws and Divas, but their not. Some can be evil, like my dad. Who I actually wanted to meet for a long time.

"Get it over with Gordon that girl needs to know how it feels to get fucked," can you believe that mydad said that?

He just nodded. Then he positioned his dick in front of me. I guess this it, I'm about to be officially a non-virgin now. I never thought I'd lose it like this man it fucking sucks. Suddenly he was whipped on the back.

"Fuck!"he murmured in pain.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault, Gordon. Is that your name?"

"No, it's atually Adrian. And sorry I have to do this to you."

"It's fine, I mean your dad forced you to do this, and plus I mean you seem like a nice guy."

"Are you going to stick your dick inside her or not," why does he want me to lose my virginty so bad? Does he get off on this or something?

"I'm not going to do this dad!" he stood up and then my dad relentlessly hit him, over and over. Till his whole back was filled with red marks that looked like hell. Then, there were some old ones. And on his butt well it looked torn like something was forced into it. I began to cry for him. I've only been here for maybe a couple hours or a day, but that guys probably been doing thisfor so long. Like he'd go to school, and then he'd come home to this asshole that rapes him.

"Get off of him. He's been through way too much already!"

"Well since your so talkative, I guess I'll do the honors since my coward of a son is too scared," his pants fell to the floor and I began to shake again. He was twice as big as his son. I was never going to get to have a baby with whoever my husband will be. Man, this sucks, hopefully my vagina will heal fast. And nothing bad will happen, and I'll be as good as new.

"Just fucking do it already!"


You can read now.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I saw Jon screamed, as Brandon, Connor, Taylor, Sammie, my Mom, and the police followed behind them.


Well that's the chapter that everyone's been hopefully waiting for.


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