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Someone we'll call Reese, once told me that there was a reason for everything. No matter what happened to me, it was all part of the grand scheme of things. I've only ever heard people say that about bad things, and in my particular case the bad thing was Insomnia. For months I had either not slept or hardly slept at all. I would spend the night lying awake staring at the ceiling. Then, one day, I began to grow comfortable in the dark and solace of the night.

One night, I was lying in bed when I heard the door open. Thinking it was my mother or father, I slowly turned to greet them, when I saw Reese stumble and fall through the door. His clothing were ragged, and his face was cut and bleeding. I quickly got out of bed and rushed over to him, helping him off of the ground and into my bed. He was badly injured, spattering through blood as he tried to speak. He grabbed my collar and pulled me close, spitlets of blood cascading onto my face with every word.

"You meed to wake up."

My eyes suddenly jolted open, my world spinning. I was no longer in my bedroom, but in the middle of the woods in the dark. In front of me was Reese, bleedind, propped up against a tree. In my hand was a knife, slowly dripping and glistering in the moonlight. I felt the cold breath on the back of my neck and turned around. The shadow touched my shoulder, turning me back around.

I knew what needed to be done. I accepted it and closed my eyes.

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