The true endings of Disney's tales

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The Little Mermaid

In the original story by Hans Christian Andersen, the prince marries the neighbouring king's daughter.
The Little Mermaid commits suicide by jumping into the sea and dissolving into foam.

The Pied Piper

In the earliest version, the Pied Piper is denied his payment for ridding the town of rats, so he then hypnotizes the town's children into following him to a river.
He uses his musical influence over themso that they enter the river and drown.


The step-sisters cut off portions of their feet in order to fit them intothe glass slipper.
A pigeon informs the Prince of their trick and then the pigeon pecks out the step-sisters' eyes.
The step-sisters live out the rest of the lives as blind beggars.

Goldilocks And The Three Bears

When the bears find Goldilocks sleeping in their bed, they catch her and rip her to pieces.
Then they proceed to eat her.

Sleeping Beauty

Not a prince, but a beighbouring king finds her asleep. He doesn't kiss her though. Instead, he rapes her while she passed out.
Then she becomes pregnant and gives birth to two children(still asleep).
It is only after one of her children sucks off the flax from her finger that she finally awakes. Then she marries the same king that raped her.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood meets up with the wolf in the forest. The wolf gives her wrong directions. He then later hunts her down and eats her.
She never even makes it to her Grandma's house.

Snow White

In the 1812 Grimm Brothers' version of "Snow White", the queen was Snow White's own mother. She wanted to eat her lings and liver as proof of her death. In the end, she had to dance in a pair of red-hot iron shoes until she died.

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