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I hate driving at night. Yet there I was, on that old road, the only car around for miles. After driving for a while, I noticed a pair of flickering head lights in the rear view mirror. For some reason, they didn't illuminate the road. The lights just sort of sat there...glowing. Whenever I looked over my shoulder, they were gone. So I did what any normal person would do. I sped up. But to no avail. The lights were getting closer no matter how fast I went. Hoping to leave this place behind, I floored it and took one last glance. The lights were in my passenger seat. Glaring at me. Before I flipped my car, I was able to make out a face and a twisted mouth to go with the headlights. I'll never forget that grin. The next day, someone found my car. They searched for me, even though I was standing next to them the entire time. Lots of time passed since then. And even though I haven't driven in ages, I still hate driving at night. But there's one I hate more than driving at night. Other people, driving at night.

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