Lies- Jatrina

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- Jatrina
- Fluff
- You don't have to have watched KallmeKris imagine series to understand
- ( I'm not sure if it's a trigger warning but just in case, TW alcohol)

Janet had spent the last hour debating whether to meet Katrina at the bar like they'd planned. She wouldn't usually hesitate at all but Carol had told her something earlier and that's changed a lot between them.

She had become such good friends with Katrina over the past year and she didn't want to ruin that, but what Carol said had made her question many things.

Janet decided to tell Katrina she was busy that night, to give herself more time to think of what to do or say.

She picked up her phone and dialled her friends name, listening to each ring until they were interrupted with a Russian accent.


"Hello Janet, are you on your way?" She replied as she searched around the bar.

"Actually, I can't make it tonight, I just remembered I have something going on but maybe another night, sorry Katrina..."

"Oh... Its alright, bye Janet," her voice faded away from the phone as she went to hang up, before Janet even got a chance to say goodbye.

Now Janet had to figure out whether Carol was correct and what the hell to do next.


"Hey Carol, I'm glad you're back in Boston, we've missed you!"

"Oh me too, only for today though and then I'm going back to Texas, I just got called here for a job,"

"Well, anyway, its nice to see you,"

Carol nodded in return and they began exchanging small talk until Katrina began making her way to their table at the cafe, but was interrupted by her son Sergei who was on a separate table at the cafe with his brother, Misha.

"Hello Mother, why won't you take me and Misha to a bar? We feel we are ready,"

"Sergei, you're not allowed in, anyway, Janet is my best friend, I'd be sad to go to a bar with my two sons,"

Sergei responded with a quiet "Fine," whilst Carol began a conversation with Janet.

"You know, have you ever thought about being with Katrina? I mean, she seems to like you, a lot,"

" Not really? I don't think she likes me like that, I don't like her like that anyway,"

Carol just replied with an eyebrow lift as Katrina made her way back to the table.

As the rest of the lunch went on, Carol gave Janet an 'I told you so' look everytime Katrina would do something that apparently 'friends don't usually do'.

*end of flashback*

Janet continued to replay the memory over and over. It did seem possible maybe that Katrina liked her but it was a slim chance, probably not possible actually.

She stayed up all night thinking about it and decided to avoid Katrina the next day. She couldn't deal with this at the moment.

After that day, Janet was able to avoid her friend for a few days before it became too much, she missed her.

The Boston mom still hadn't made up her mind on whether Carol was right but soon, Summer was going to be over and she was going to have to face Katrina at the mommy toddler daycare they had both signed up for.

She fought the urge to call her. She fought the urge to meet at her house and drink wine until they pass out. She fought the urge to be with her best friend.

Her heart raced everytime Katrina's name was said in her mind, her stomach grew nervous butterflies everytime she thought of her hand sliding over her arm now and then when she comforted her.

No. She couldn't have Katrina and she didn't want her. She needed to be with someone to remind herself that this was all just emotional crap that she built up after the divorce with Roger.

She needed a distraction, a reminder that she didn't want Katrina like that. A reminder that Carol was wrong.

She decided to dial a number that would help her with that, someone who she wanted and who wanted her back.

Her fingertips tapped the screen until the phone began to ring. The person on the other end didn't hesitate to answer before she heard their voice on the other end.


727 words

A/n- Sooooooo if you watch Greys Anatomy, you might have noticed that I kind of based this off of something that happened at the beginning of season 4. (I won't say who it's between so I don't say any spoilers) but yeah, I struggled to think of an idea so here you go! It's not that long because it's 2 parts and the other part will be posted in a day, just to leave yall on a cliff hanger hehehe

Hope you're enjoying the one shots and I'm also free to take any prompts! Ly all <3

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