It's Too Soon Pt2 - Jatrina

114 4 19

- Jatrina
- Angst and fluff
- Don't have to have watched KallmeKris imagine series to understand
⚠️TW death ⚠️


A/n- Someone asked me to write an apology letter for the part 1 but I'm deciding to write a part 2 instead, enjoy 🥰


Muscles in every part of my neck relax, just like the rest of my body. I subtly feel my head tilt sidewards and slowly fall asleep.

My mind shuts down and I allow myself to rest, I'm lying in her arms so I'm safe and that's all I need.

For some reason, I know I'm asleep yet I feel awake, like wide awake, so I decide to try to get up, perhaps if I make a movement then my eyes will know I'm awake and I'll get up, so I do.

Nothing happens, so I attempt to move again, yet nothing happens once more.

This time, I open my eyes after some struggle and look downwards to my fingers and lift them... They didn't move?

My throat is killing me, I know I can't speak because whether the pain is on the interior or exterior, it's excruciating pain so I try to lift myself up.

Janet is still kneeling down, in the same position that I fell asleep in, what happened? I must have drank too much because all I remember is dancing with her and then laying on the floor in her arms, perhaps I just got tired from the alcohol.

Now, I'm standing up I can finally do something, so I turn to Janet. Her eyes are extremely red, like they are in pain and there are tears streaming down her cheeks faster than a waterfall. I notice that her hands are buried beneath something and she's holding it up to her chest, as tight as she can, what the hell is she doing?

After a couple minutes, she looks up to the ceiling and I can't even tell what she is saying because now I know what she's holding... Me.

She's holding my body, how am I watching this? Shouldn't I be in that body? It looks so pale... So lifeless... So sad.... That can't be me, because if it was... That would mean I'm not asleep... I'm... I'm... No...

I'm not dead because otherwise I wouldn't be standing here, this is probably some nightmare, I'll wake up any second and I'll be in our hotel room.

"it's too soon..." Janet cries out, in between her powerful sobs. I've never seen her be so emotional about something... It's still not true though.

She looks the body straight in the eyes and whispers something that I can't hear, because it's so quiet. She then uses her middle and index fingers to close both of my eyes at the same time, below the face, I notice something. We are in an extremely dark room but I know that there's something there, so I kneel down on the opposite side of the body to Janet and look down at the throat, it's covered in blood.

That red, sticky substance is covering the whole neck, chest and chin but there's more on the throat, there's an indentation below the liquid and it's circular... Like a... Gunshot w-wound.

I've been shot. I really am dead. I'm kneeling next to my own corpse, watching as it just lies there, the chest isn't expanding, there's no air coming from the nose or mouth, it's really me.

We... We were just on the dance floor, I just wanted to take a nap. I just wanted to take a nap!!

How... How...

"I love you too Katrina..." I hear Janet say, I wish I could respond but my love can't see me, can't feel me, can't embrace me. All she can do is mourn and I have to watch each moment of it like some sort of sick person is making me watch my loved ones be tortured.

She's so close, yet so far. I'm persevering so much to not look at my body, and not the dead one. Will I be hovering like the ghosts in movies? Probably not. How did this happen? It... It didn't.

I can't believe this because if I do, it mean that Janet can never see me again, no matter what and the worst part is that I can see her. Like a one-sided relationship, literally.

I reach my hand out to Janet, for some reason hoping she'll grab on and everything will be normal... Yet none of this is normal.

What a surprise that she doesn't make a move when I offer my palm. Is this really the end?

I can't just leave Janet in this pain. I've seen her in pain, but this is agony. Such, powerful agony that I want to help her with but I'm the reason she's in it.

My memories flood back to me of every detail of what happened before the de- incident.

Perhaps part of her pain is that... She thinks it's her fault. Yet, it's mine. I abandoned her beneath the table to get a weapon and this is what I get, what she gets...

Why does she get the consequences for my actions, I'm not sure if it's physically possible but I know that a tear, or multiple, are flowing down me, reaching my chin and slowly disintegrating on my neck.

I use my fingertips to graze the area where the wound is, and it's just a scar on me. On my physical body, the wound is still fresh, right there, yet on my 'spirit' or whatever I am, it's just a scar, just a mark.

I now have nothing to do, I'm not sure how long I have left, whether I'll be trapped in this ghost-like body forever or taken somewhere, no one knows what happens after death and its nauseating to not know your fate, even in the afterlife.

Due to my lack of knowledge of time, I have to say my words... My final words.

I miss...her, despite her being right in front of me.

"Janet... This is ridiculous because you can't hear me, yet, I need to believe you can, you've done so much, we've done so much, together. I loved our wedding, I love you and Riley and every goofy thing about you both. You're my family and I've never been more blessed until the day I was granted your wife, please, don't blame this on yourself, have a good life, adopt Misha and Sergei and look after them, be strong, don't let this weigh you down, I won't be mad if you move on because I know that I'll always have a place in your heart, just like you do with mine, forever... "

Suddenly, everything went black, pitch black and Janet's cries have evaporated into the air... I've accepted death... Its the end of our journey together, its the end of my journey.

1161 words

A bit shorter but I hope it made sense!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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