Lies Pt2- Jatrina

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(Plz read part one first to understand :))


"Hey, are you free later?" Janet asked as she stared at the floor, nervously.

"Actually I'm taking the late shift at the bar but you're free to stop by!"

"Alright, I'll see you then, bye and thank you,"

"No problem, see ya,"

Janet ended the call and flopped onto her bed, Katrina might be at the bar tonight but that didn't matter because she was planning to meet someone anyway.

The day went by and Janet spent it panic cleaning and baking. She ended making three batches of muffins, five batches of cookies and cleaning the whole house but it finally reached the time to go.

She wore a dark green jumpsuit with a thin black belt around the waist and a black choker around her neck.

Her taxi arrived at exactly eight sharp and she set out to the bar, she had her plan and she was going to stick to it, no distractions, no talking to Katrina and no messing around.

It felt like it took hours to get to the bar but she finally reached it, tipped the taxi driver and stepped inside.

Music was blasting, karaoke was playing, people were talking and drinks were being made. It was a new bar in town and not really more special than any other bar, it was just the closest to her house and she knew quite a few people there like her neighbors who also attended the place.

Her pupils searched the room for the bar and when they found it, she didn't hesitate to make her way over. Janet didn't bother to look around for her Russian friend, she headed straight there.

"Hey!" she shouted over the really loud music.

"Hey! What can I get for ya?" The bartender asked as he waited for an answer.

Janet looked at the menu that was stuck up on the wall for anything that she fancied and settled on an oasis cocktail, it didn't have too much alcohol in but she still sipped it slowly when receiving it.

When she was given the drink, she leaned over.

"What are you doing?" The Aussie Bartender asked.

"I like you and I would just kiss you but I have to make sure you're okay with that?" Janet asked, slightly embarrassed but she knew that asking consent was the right thing to do.

He laughed in reply and nodded his head with a smile creeping up his face.

Janet pulled his head closer as they attached their lips and shared a slow, careful kiss to make sure to not cross any boundaries, especially in public.

They pulled away after a few seconds and Janet grinned at him and then took a sip of her alcoholic beverage once more. She looked around to look at the different neon decorations at the new bar and spotted someone.

Katrina was glaring at her, with a betrayed and slightly angry expression. She continued to stare for one more second before turning and walking away and out the door. She left half of her vodka which wasn't like her at all.

"I have to go, I'll text you later, bye!" She told the bartender as he looked up at her whilst pouring a beer for a drunk, middle-aged man probably on his tenth beer already.

"Alright, see ya!" He replied and continued to serve his customers.

Janet ran out of the bar. She had a plan and right now let her heart take over this stupid plan. She liked the Aussie Bartender and thought he was a really good guy but she still felt guilty for kissing him, especially since Katrina saw.


No reply.


Still no reply.


"What Janet?"

Her tone was cold and harsh, not like her usual soft tone she used for her best friend.

"I- uh, I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

"Really? You care now? You ignore my calls, you don't bother to contact me for a week and the one time I do get to see you you're kissing that idiotic bartender!"

"I'm sorry, I've been busy..."

Janet couldn't think of another response although she did feel even more guilty now.

"Da, I get it, I have to go home, bye Janet,"

"Katrina, wait,"

She wanted to explain herself even more, but her friend wouldn't stop walking.

Janet decided to go for a spur of the moment and just go for it.

She grabbed Katrina's forearm and spun her around. She pulled her body flush against hers and didn't even take a second before she connected their lips.

Katrina didn't kiss back at first, but decided to take the chance. She returned the gesture and their lips molded together perfectly, if felt so right in the moment and for a slight second Janet wondered why she even questioned if she liked Katrina.

They really were perfect for each other.

822 words

Idk if that counts as a cliffhanger but I don't think it does? Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Please please please leave any oneshot ideas and the ship (out of the three) you want me to write it about!

Thank you all, ly!

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