Turn Down, Dead Tonight

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Damn, there is nothing good on. The sun is barely going down and I already want to crash out, but I can't it's too early.
I lay on the couch eating chip and watching some random movie. I feel like I'm forgetting something I just can't put my finger in it.
Suddenly a knock at the door startles me. Damn it, I hope it's not those gang member again. I put the tv on mute and stay quiet.

"Angel I know you're in there let me in!" Oh, it's just Ally. Why is she here so late?

As I walk up to answer the door bits on crumbs fall off my stomach. Who's at the door bothering my lazy ass. As I check the little peep hole, I should have known it was Ally. What does she want now, I swear this girl is full of energy.

"Hey, Ally." I say opening the door.

"What are you doing looking like a bum? We have to go!"

"Where exactly?"

"The party! Don't act retarded on me."


"Coming from Ms. Rude her self."

"Oh shut up."

I walk back to my throne, also known as my couch. I have no intentions to go. I just said I'd go to get everyone off my back. The only people I know who are chill with me are Ally and Steen.
It hasn't been a year yet and I'm already forgetting everyone's names. Steen's girlfriend I completely forgot her name... didn't I even know it in the first place? Her brothers too. Whatever I don't care.

"So let's go already!"

Damn it Ally if you weren't so cute I'd probably say no to you. I get my ass up and get dress, well what I call putting on decent clothes.
Ally is the only person I know who has a learners permit that drives. I would go get mine but ugh! I hate the DMV and the waiting.

"So what am I suppose to do at this party you're making me go to?" I complain while putting on my seatbelt.

"First off, you were the one who wanted to go." Ally says as we drove away from the sidewalk.


"Like you remember if you did or not."

Damn she knows me to well now. Weird.

As we arrive to the party I can already tell just by the people here that I'm going to hate it, or at least get some good connects. I mean this house party looking like a crack house. I'm not sure how Ally feels about getting stoned and getting a little buzz on. I surely love it, hmm I blame my stupid crack headed mother.

"Let's go get hammered!" I shout right in Ally's ear.

"Fuck!" She pushing me away. "now you decide to be loud? Anyways I can't since I'm the only one who can drive." she shoots me a 'I'm the adult here' look.

"Sucks to be you, Mom!"

What can I say bud and booze, I might as well enjoy myself. Damn, I'm really bipolar aren't I.
Walking in I feel like no one even cars that's two of the loners at school just walked in. Perfect, I head towards the the red cups. Ally would follow me but she must have gotten lost in the crowd. She'll find me later. She is my ride.
Red cup in my hand and a blunt between my lips. Oh yeah, I'm getting shit face tonight. I didn't even have to make friends with anyone to get this joint. I just got my red cup and boom! Someone just randomly hands me it. If I knew who the guy was I'd probably give him a smile... probably.
My vision gets blurry and my walking gets wobbly I knew it was time to find Ally and get out of here.

"Hey, look who showed up."

Steen I know that accent anywhere.

"What's up!" I do a 180 turn.

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