they did what!?

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My song inspiration this might be bad because I thought of it last minute like I was honestly just typing away anyway .So this chapter will contain

Underage drinking
Drug ussage

So it's gonna be an interesting chapter lmao

Georges POV~

Two hours had past since me and dream had played Minecraft for two hours chatting and flirting it was and hour before the party so I went to the bathroom and jumped in the  shower I put my playlist on and washed my hair

~I still the remember the 3rd of December me and your sweater you said it looked better on me then it did you only you knew how much I liked but I watched your eyes as she walked by~

Once I finished my shower I checked the song [Heather] it was actually really good I don't know how it ended up on my playlist but I'm glad it is though. I checked the time 7:49 oh shit I have 11 minutes to get ready, I grabbed some black jeans and a baggy blue jumper with a red rectangle with white in the middle which said 'georgenotfound' my best friend Tommy gave it to me because it my Minecraft user name. I quickly ran down to my mum and said "hey mum I'm going to my mates house to study we have a big project and then I won't be here to disgust you or whatever"
"Your allowed to but be back before 12am if not then text me, you know how your dad is"
"Yeah I will and uhm where is dad?"
"Oh uhm he's out at the bar with a friend he'll be staying at their house over night" she said with a small smile slowly realising what he's actually doing. My phone buzzed, oh it was dream I think I smiled when I saw his name but I'm not sure
                                                              Daddy dream <3

Hello I am outside your house ;)

Okay and uhm  what's the ;) for                                                                                                                                                                    

Because maybe we can yk

Okay that's enough, I'll be out
In a minute <3

Alright pretty boy 😩

After reading that a blush quickly plastered my face before leaving I grabbed my weed and a lighter I also found my vape. I walked out of the door and went to dream he was stood against his car smoking a cigarette, he guided me into the passenger seat as I sat down he went to the driver's seat and started the car "hey uhm can I smoke this in your car?"
"Yeah of course, I didn't know you smoked stuff like that"
"Trust me there are alot of things you don't know about me"
"Well maybe I can learn everything tonight and maybe a bit more"
"DREAM!!!" I yelled he started to laugh we chatted a bit more before arriving to the party I could tell we was there because of the loud music we walked in and instantly say people making out,smoking, talking, drinking some people were grinding on others and some were like actually going at it WHY WAS NO ONE STOPPING THEM, after the rant in my brain dream grabbed my hand and took my to the alcohol i was quickly downing drinks after what I saw I didn't stop once I noticed dream was drunk after finishing, I had like 8 drinks I was feeling drunk before I could process anything dream grabbed my hand again and took me to some people playing truth or dare.

We both sat down and of couse I was picked first some girl named Niki she had really Pretty pink hair and a contagious smile she looked me dead in the eyes almost like she was about to kill me and said "George is it?" I nodded slowly "okay George truth or dare" I took a pic of my vape and said "dare"
"Okay I dare you to kiss the most attractive person here" she looked at me then looked at dream because she knew I liked him and could tell he was jealous I noticed it to and decided to mess with him I was obviously going to kiss him he was like hotter then the sun probably hotter then Cole Sprouse but because he was the hottest here I wanted to tease him I honestly had no clue what I was doing like I was so drunk and so high I was just walking round I went to the second hottest and whispered in his ear "so Ur hot but not the hottest, the person I'm gonna kiss is probably straight so I maybe after this I can get your number" I said with a wink I slowly processed what I just did and was so shocked with myself "yeah of course pretty boy" after that everyone stared at me wondering what I was doing to be honest they weren't the only ones.

I walked up to dream took his hand and pulled him up I stared into his eyes interlocking our fingers together with my other hand I held his neck with my free hand he held my waist I closed the gap between our lips the kiss was hot and passionate I bit his lip he knew what I wanted and he immediately opened his mouth and let me slide my tongue in exploring every nook and cranny in his mouth we pulled apart. I looked down and went wide eyed there it was a huge bulge in my pants but dream also had one how did that make my dick go hard everyone looked at us laughing Niki winked at me I was so embarrassed dream noticed both of our problem he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to an empty room I locked the door and kissed his lips aggressively being nice about it I ripped my top of he took his of he found some lube in the draw seeing his abs made me more horny I took my pants of and boxers we both did we made out some more he picked me up and threw me on the bed (YEET 🚶💨) he came over to the bed and crawled over to be still kissing me we got into position "prep or no prep?"
"No prep just hurry up" at this point if he didn't give it me I would have flipped him and gave it to him he put the lube on his dick I decided he might like it if I helped so I quickly removed his hand and moved my hand up and down with a bit of force getting frustrated

Clays POV:

I can't believe this is happening I'm so glad I'm a little bit tipsy so I can remember this he was now giving me a hand job now for his own sake he stopped and I wanted dominance since he seemed like he was the leader of this right now I put his in position and shove my dick in his ass hole he was really tight and I knew it would hurt he moans seemed pained I started to thrust slowly all I wanted to hear was his moans we carried on like this, once we finished i decided to do some foreplay after wards I started to kiss him making my way down to his jawline leaving marks in next went to his neck exploring trying to find his soft spot I found a spot that makes him hard I don't know how that works? But I kept kissing and sucking it, his moans were so loud as clear I made my way down his chest to his v-line and stoped there going back to his neck I found that one spot again I missed his moans it was addicting to hear them he kept moaning my name it was really turning me on not going to lie I kept sucking that spot them moving to his lips making out with him we were both out of breath in between kisses geirge tried to say something so I pulled out and he said "do-- you--- suck -- dick" he said panting "of course I do pretty boy" I said in a deep voice turning him on after kissing around his chest and v-line I went to his dick and started to lick the slit I put it in my mouth swirling my tongue around it sucking it nicely we kept going like this his moans were getting messy "d-dream I'm gonna..c..c..cum" after that white sticky stuff came out there was more then there was when we had sex but I swallowed it I could tell he was weak and hurting

I got him dressed after cleaning him up I completely forgot we were at a party SHIT I got him dressed and went down stairs after trying to also clean up the mess upstairs I carried him down bridal style everyone was looking at us Niki and the other people we played truth of date with giggled I was so glad that Niki dared us that. Niki ran over and gave me a piece of paper and said "put it in George's phone case he's gonna need it" I nodded and walked to my car, there was no way I'd be able to take geirge home in the mess he was in so I took him to My house when I got to my house I put him down on my bed and looked through his contacts and texted Georges mum saying he's here after that I was going off his mum's contact and saw mine it said 'Daddy dream <3' instantly blushed remembering us talking about I had had told him I'd change his name to pretty boy goggy and he had to use that name I got into my bed with him put the paper in his phone case and went to sleep

So I'm thinking for this maybe I'd like idk get George to think dreams straight or smt so yeah any way 1664 words way lmao anyway so this chapter has alot in it took me 3 hours jeez anyway I'm still thinking of a story line for it so yh maybe george will date that guy at the party Wayne he won't heehee you'll have to wait and see I already know what I'm gonna do with it anyways have a good day/night/evening I lov you all so much :)

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