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A gentle hand woke Hermione up as it was placed on the top of her resting palm. She saw Snape seated to her side on the couch where she had taken recluse; the late hour and the expression on his face told her what he had woken her up to say.

"She's dead," she asked in a grave whisper, sitting up, "Jaimie." It wasn't a question- she knew.

He slowly nodded, his eyes downcast, only bringing them up to check how she was taking the news. She was beginning to come to terms with it, although heartbroken at the poor woman's predicament. A cold silence was permeating the whole residence as the agonized groans of the woman had been finally put to rest. A gasped sigh escaped her and she leaned forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry..." he said as an offering of condolence.

She could do nothing but shake her head. "We should've tried to do more for her..." she kept repeating.

"She was already on the verge of death when we brought her here. Still, I wish we could drop her off at St. Mungo's...anonymously. But her condition-"

"We need to bury her," Hermione seated herself up with purpose.

"It's too dangerous to go-"

"It's the least we can do," she interjected with somewhat of a snap. She was despondent because their situation forced them to let a person die rather than provide them with the appropriate medical attention they needed. "I don't care what happens. She deserves proper burial rights."

Snape could not argue anymore and in the stealth of the night, the three of them snuck into Godric's Hollow to dig a grave for her. With their combined magic, they dug the soil, conjured up a coffin to lay the body in and constructed a gravestone. Her face looked peaceful now- free of earthly sorrows, she had been washed and changed into one of Hermione's dresses, but the bruises on her arms and legs were more distinctive now- purple and grotesque as her body was turning pale and blue. Hermione closed the lid of the casket and they lowered it to the ground, covering it back up with soil.

They stood back, watching the hole being filled up and the headstone standing erect on top- marked with only one word- Jaimie. Hermione didn't even know her last name, but it was better than having an unnamed grave- forgotten as just another casualty of this unnecessary battle. Whether she be remembered by anyone else now or not, they surely would remember.

Lee had taken off his Gatsby hat and was singing a hymn in his native tongue. Hermione didn't know the language but the tune was soothing and she closed her eyes, sensing Snape coming close to stand by her side. It had been a while since they had stood under an open sky, taking in the moment, even if it was dark all around. The cool breeze rustled through the leaves and while caressing their bodies, carried their silent prayers through the tombstones and mausoleums of the silent cemetery. 

Snape saw Hermione give a mute shudder as tears rolled down her cheeks. His hand ventured out from the confines of his cloak to touch the back of her hand- timid and unsure. She took his hand firmly in hers, entangling their fingers and sharing their warmth. There was nothing more to be said but the promise to get justice- justice for them all.

They had managed to get back to Lee's apartment by dawn and had collectively decided to lay down in rest for a while, all in utter silence.

While Lee and Snape had managed to shut their eyes for a little while, Hermione had remained awake and although the two gentlemen had left the whole bedroom for her, she could barely bring herself to sleep in the bed that had been occupied by Jaimie only a few hours ago, and where her corpse had laid.

All this time, Hermione had gotten used to sharing the same room with Snape and even now, she found herself wishing for the same. Just to have his calming presence with her, her bare feet carried her out to the living room where the two men were. Lee was fast asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor while Snape had taken over the couch where she had previously resided in.

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