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I'm pretty sure i was captured for almost 5 days. And now I'm sure the cops and my family are looking for me.

I felt like I gained atleast 87% of his trust; now I just have to fill that 13% of his trust. I wasn't been able to take a shower, brush my teeth, and even do exercise. I just stare at the same walls everytime while Nick is guarding me like a hawk. I was getting pretty tired and i just wanna give up. I mean i like him but not what he's doing to me. I thought of a way to help him.

L: nicky!
N: Never call me that. I've told you a
thousand times.
L: sorry i couldn't help it. Anywho,
I wanna offer a deal.
N: what?
L: a deal.
N: I'm listening
L: what if u let me go and I'll bust you
to the cops? Isn't that what you
N: yeah...
L: you seem sad,,
N: i don't wanna say it so early but
I've been enjoying these past few
days with you believe it or not.

My heart was beating so fast and it gave me butterflies...

I just smiled and giggled.

The day went on.

Ngl, we had tons of fun. Even though we just talked and talked. It was still so fun.

Then... I had another panic attack. I didn't know what was I going to do since nick was outside and i couldn't yell. I know the drill. But i couldn't move. It was almost as if I'm paralysed...

The next thing I knew, i passed out...

N: Leana. Hey. Wake up.
L: Oh! What did you do to me?!
What happened?? Get your filthy
hands off me!
N: calm down! You passed out. What
happened when i was outside?
L: I-i had a p-panic attack and it was
N: you must've went through it a lot
how'd you not know what to do?
L: No. Ik what to do but i couldn't
move. It felt like I was paralyzed.
N: guess you couldn't live without
me, huh?

I laughed and after a few seconds, we stared at each other's eyes... I could feel he was tryna say something but i didn't know what it was.


N: L-leana, your beauty... It's
L: Th-thank you..?

He just smiled and then POOF...

He leaned in for a kiss.

Ofc i liked it. NO. I loved it. But it felt wrong,,

L: Hey! What are you doing??
Are you insane?!
N: Sorry i-

I stood up. I really liked him but I wanna know if he does too. So i pretended to not talk to him throughout the night. And of course...

It was a bad idea...

I fell Inlove With My KidnapperWhere stories live. Discover now