Nick Got Caught

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I woke up. Our phones were blowing up. My parent's phones are full of the calls of cops. My mom answered one call. "nick got caught...".

My heart dropped. Although i wanted that he stay with his mom. Well, why do i feel sad if i wanted it to happen..?

I immediately went to the police station to see him. The cops doesn't want me to see him because he might do something stupid. I didn't care so i just went on to see him.

N: Get me out of here Leana!

He said that angrily. I didn't listen to b him because he didn't even apologize yet! The audacity of that man.

L: no thanks. You look good in an
orange inmate clothes.

I forgot to tell you guys, my family lives in New York but we're at Lousiana because of my family's business.

N: okay fine. I'm sorry Leana for
yelling at you. Now, would you get
me out of here?
L: no.

I was still upset. There's something I'm me that tells me to get Nick out of prison.

Althea called me over the phone.

A: hey i heard your kidnapper has
been caught.

I was mad at althea and nick but i couldn't blame them. None of them knew how i felt with nick.

L: yes. It's Nick Gomez.

I pretended that i don't know nick just so they would break up. I swear I'm not this kind of person but there's this rage in the pit of my stomach ordering me to make them break up. I followed that voice.

A: ni-nick gomez..?

She silenced. The quietness was so loud that it almost made me lost my hearing.

L: mhm. Why? Hey althea, you still
A: ah yes. Excuse me but Nick Gomez?
L: yeah. Do you know him??
A: uhm, when u were gone, there's
this guy that courted me and
we dated.

I pretended to be shocked.

L: h-huh?
A: by any chance, does he have blue
eyes, brunette-haired, about 6.3
feet tall?
L: mhm. You guys dated..?
A: yeah. OMG I'm so sorry.
L: for what?
A: for dating him i didn't know he
     was your kidnapper.
L: can't blame you.
A: why not?
L: you didn't know it was him
A: you've got a point.

We giggled our hearts out.

There's one question i ask myself though,, how did I fall inlove so fast? That's not like me...

I fell Inlove With My KidnapperWhere stories live. Discover now