Checkup and surprise

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I was hoping that they would forget about me if they couldn't see me but unfortunately that blew out of proportion. Miley came out making Miss.Pearl turn to me.

"Alright Heather your up" she said knowing my passed

"I don't want too" I whimper

"I'm sorry honey you have too" she said

"She's gonna hurt me" I cry

"How about we go talk to her together ok" Miss Pearl said taking my hand.

We walked into the room that was being used as a dental exam room and we were welcomed with a warm smile

"Hi honey what's your name" the dentist asked with a soft tone in voice

"Heather" I say nervously hiding behind Miss Pearl

"That's a beautiful name" she said softly

"T thank y you" I whimper nervously

"Dr.Willow um Heather has a bad past with dentists and is really scared at the moment she may be a bit more difficult to get through" Miss.Pearl said

"Aw ok it's ok we can handle it thanks for letting us know" Dr.Willow said

"You stay here and be good Heather I'm gonna go check on the other girls alright" Miss Pearl said

"Ok" I whimper nervously.

She left and I was left in the room with the dentist and her friend

"Alright Heather can you come take a seat for me" Dr.Willow said with a soft encouraging voice.

I nervously nodded and made my way over to the chair nervously sitting down.

"Perfect I'm just going to check and make sure your teeth are nice and healthy alright" she said softly as she got a mask and gloves on.

I nodded but nervously watched her.

"Ok sweetheart can you open for me"'she said softly.

I nervously opened my mouth and she immediately started checking my teeth with her mirror. This was a lot easier then when my mom used to do it all she's using is a mirror and she isn't touching me

"You did great honey, I do still have to clean your teeth but I think we can save that for another day what do you think" she asked making me nod immediately.

I hated cleanings they hurt so badly when my mom did them. She brought me back out going over to talk to Miss Pearl who seemed really excited.

"Heather come here for a moment" Miss Pearl said with a soft smile.

I went over and stood beside her

"Can you go upstairs and pack your things your being adopted" she said with a soft smile

"Wait really" I say

"Yes really go pack meet us in my office" she replied.

I immediately went running upstairs to my room and packing the small amount of stuff I had in my backpack running downstairs. I was so excited.

Adopted by a dentist Where stories live. Discover now