Heathers checkup

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"Heather you gonna come on in" my mom asked seeing how nervous I was

"I I I don't know" I whimper nervously

"It's ok princess you have nothing to worry about I promise" she said softly.

"Ok" I say nervously going into the room more

"Who wants to go first" our mom asked

"Can Heather go first mom" Carter asked nervously

"No I don't want too" I whimper

"Hey hey hey it's ok guys I'm not gonna hurt you what's going on" our mom asked

"I don't wanna be here" Carter whimpered

"Me neither" I whine

"The faster we get this over with the faster it'll be done and then you guys won't have to worry about it for another 6 months... we can go get ice cream after" she said softly

"Ice cream?" I reply excitedly

"Yes but we have to do this first" she reply's.

"I-I'll go first" I say hesitantly but going and sitting in the chair anyways

"Thanks sweetheart" she said giving me a sympathetic smile knowing I was really scared.

She laid the chair down turning on the light as she grabbed her mask and gloves from the desk. She put them on as she sat behind the chair and grabbed her mirror and explorer

"Alright princess I just need you to open your mouth for me alright" she asked softly

I nervously opened my mouth and she started checking my teeth. I felt her tap on each and every tooth and she took the tools out.

"See not so bad just have to clean your teeth and your all done" she said grabbing her spinning toothbrush thing.

She started polishing my teeth before taking the toothbrush thing out and leaning the chair up.

"That wasn't that bad was it" my mom asked softly

"No, thanks mom" I said jumping out of the chair.

"Ok Carter your up" she said quickly tidying up switching everything

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