At the office

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The rest of the night went really well and it was finally the next morning so I got up and got ready for the day. In the orphanage we had to get ready before going downstairs it was just what I was used too. So I went downstairs and my new mom had breakfast on the table and Carter was already at the table eating

"Morning Heather I was just about to come wake you up" she said giving me a soft smile

"Morning" I say returning the smile

"Yours is just on the pink plate beside Carter" she replied talking about the food on the table

"Ok, thank you" I reply going and sitting down.

"We're gonna be leaving in about 15 minutes guys" she said before leaving the room.

Me and Carter ate and I started cleaning my dishes but Carter just left his on the table before going to the couch. Our mom came in and looked at me confusingly

"Oh honey you didn't have to clean them" she said softly

"I didn't" I say

"No if you just leave them on the counter that's good enough" she said taking Carter's plate and putting it in the dishwasher I didn't even notice was there

"Oh" I reply

"It's ok you'll know for next time let's get going" she said softly.

We left the house getting into the car and she drove. It didn't take too long to get to her office and soon enough she was pulling into the parking lot. We got out of the car and I stopped looking up at the dental office ahead of me.

"You ok" my mom asked softly before making me nervously nod.

She took my hand and we started walking into the office Carter leading the way.

"Hey Carter we're gonna stop at the desk first" our mom said stopping him from walking further.

She went behind the desk going up to the computer starting to type. She was in these light pink scrubs with a matching pink scrunchy so her hair was up in a pony tail.

"Alright who wants to go first" she asked with a soft smile

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