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Yo! Since Bertl is one of my favs in SnK, I decided to make a fanfic for him. Tbh, this story was planned like... years ago. Joke. But yeah. That's kinda true.

Anyway, this is Rated S for spoilers ~ ahaha. To those who did not read the manga, this is Rated S but if you did, cheers to you.
This fanfic was based on the manga and as an author who kinda wants her own fanfics stitched with the real story, I used the chapters 38 or somewhere there. This be why my works get messy and crappy af .-. So yeah. Forgive meh.

Hope you enjoy tho! And idk. I started making a/n's for my stories before the actual thing. Sorry. Just an intro from the Bakauthor.

Might also have sloooow updates. And it probably won't reach more than 10 chapters..? Idk. Haha. Depends on my feels.

Disclaimer: I only own my OC/s :D

Then, read on bbys! Ilysm. Ahaha.

P.s I published this on the day of my graduation. Idk why. Hooray. Lmao. Ahaha.

P.p.s Bertholdt is mine. Amen.

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