Part 1 - The beginning of something

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9.00 am. 

You find yourself crossing the parking that leads to your apartment block. 

Before opening the reception door, while playing with your keys, you decide to take a look at your surroundings. It had always seemed curious to you how, in the middle of what was a wasteland, two apartment blocks could be erected. Although setting two buildings in a huge esplanade with its corresponding vegetation (without being concerned with its integration with the rest of the city) could be seen as an awful idea, you kind of like the free green space you have near your home. 

Worried that the coffees you were holding might get cold because of your contemplation, you decide to go inside. You keep going upstairs until you reach your apartment. As you open the door, you hope that the slighlty creaking sound doesn't wake up your roomate, but that fear disappears when you detect Amber already preparing some boxes for her moving.

- "What are you doing here? I thought we agreed in eating together before you ended your shift." Said Amber with a confused expression in her face.

- "Surprise! Miss Davis gave me the day off to help you move out!" You answered and offered one of the coffes you had bought. "Here!"

- "Did you really get up early to buy some coffee?"

- "It's not just coffe, it's a decent coffee. I didn't want you to drink that sad bland powder in your last day here. And you know I-" You are interrumpted by the hug of a moved Amber.

- "Hey, everything's alright?". You questioned her whilst returning the embrace.

- "Yeah, it's just that... Gosh, I'm gonna miss you so much."

- "Me too... Tell me that at least that guy is worth it." She chuckled with your comment.

- "I really think so." She said with a much happier voice.

- "Then let's stop with the weeping and start with the packing!" You expressed animatedly taking a loud sip of coffee and making Amber laught in consequence.

After that brief emotional moment, you both promised not to bring up any more depressing topics for the rest of the day. Only happy memories, laughs, and lost things being found in the least expected places where allowed. At lunch time you managed to pack almost half of Amber's possesions, so some hours later you were done.

- "Well... 5 years of my life all in some boxes. However, I'm pretty sure we could have ended earlier If we hadn't reviewed every single object we took." Concludes Amber, closing the last box with tape. You chuckle.

- "When you leave something of the past behind, It's good to take a look back at your life so far. If not, where's the fun in organizing your things If I can't laugh with you at the photo of your first day working at Walmart?" She agrees while giggling. "Amber." You catch her attention.

- "It's a new chapter in your life, try starting it without so much homesickness, will ya?" You say, in a more serious tone. She nods with a grin in her face. 

- "I will as far as you visit us, or at least keep writing me when you can't sleep, will ya?" She asked, looking at you. You nod. "I'm sure you will find another roomate. Maybe one that understands you even more than me... even if I set the bar very high." She adds, giving you another hug. 

You only had to wait another hour for Amber's boyfriend to arrive with the van they had rented for the occasion. Then all that was left was to get the boxes in and the goodbye.

You returned home. It's true that without Amber your apartment looked much lonelier, but it was fine. Even though you liked having company, you loved to be alone from time to time. Well, tomorrow was Sunday, so you had the entire day to enjoy your loneliness. 

You decided to take out the trash. Night had already fallen and you spend some minutes breathing the fresh air. With that break done, you go ahead to your apartment.

You close the door while mentally preparing yourself to go to sleep. 

This is when you start hearing noises coming from your bedroom.

- "Did Amber leave something?" Was your first thought. However, you dismiss this idea as you recall the image of Amber leaving her keys with the landlord. Your next thought was something more like:

- "Shit." 

Did someone take advantage of the moving situation to find a way to sneak into the house? Nah, that wasn't possible. Was it? 

You accompany these thinking with careful steps toward the source of the noise. Halfway, you pick a lamp as a very improvised weapon. At the same time the distance between you and your bedroom decreases, the clatter becomes clearer. It sounds like someone is rummaging through your things. A strange feeling borns in your stomach and runs through your whole body in a blink. It wasn't fear, you weren't uneasy, but still...

You stop your pace.

- "Alright mate, here's the deal." You start talking with a calm tone, the rumble suddenly stops. "Firstable, I'm armed. You probably saw the moving, the boxes or whatever and thought that stealing here was a good idea." You make a pause, silence on the other side of the door. "It's not."

- "You would probably come out of this house owing money, so unless you want to pay rent, here's the deal: I don't call the police, you go back home." You wait for something similar to a confirmation noise. After finishing a mental countdown, you burst into the room.

No one there. Windows closed. All in its place. 

You turn on the light and put the lamp on the floor, next to the door, before checking all the dorm. Nothing.

Since you were tired and found pretty funny the fact  that you had been talking (with a lamp as a weapon) to your empty bedroom as if you had been broken into, you didn't give the matter any more importance. 

You put your pajamas on, brush your teeth, and applied some moisturizer while looking at your bedroom's mirror. It was kind of dirty, tomorow you could clean the apartment a bit.

You go to sleep with the same sensation that had turned up minutes ago, during the negotiation. You smirked once more at the memory and get into bed with that 'not positive yet not uncomfortable either' feeling. You would figure it out in the morning.

You had no idea how your day off was going to unfold.

Through the mirror (Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now