Part 2 - You could use a roommate!

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8:10 am

You open your eyes. 

Incredibly, you were able to sleep straight through, something that rarely happens to you. You stretch as you watch the sunlight streaming in through the window and reflecting off the dresser mirror. That was one of the first pieces of furniture you bought when you moved to Waterford, so you have a certain fondness for it. You yawn and stand up, in order to start a new day with your regular morning routine.

You cross the hallway to the kitchen and fill the jug with water to heat it. When the coffee is done, you pour some in a cup.

- "Yum." You say, ironically.

Coffee in hand, you start walking around the house, considering whether start cleaning the bathroom or the living room. Your mind fantasizes about what music to play while you scrub the floors and dust the shelves. Later you could even lo-

Your feet meets something. You trip over it, falling to the ground but regaining your balance just in time to avoid dropping the cup...

- "Careful, babes."

...yet spilling most of the coffee on the floor.

- "Great". You comment. "Now I will have to move the cleaning forward, was that yesterday's lamp or..." Wait a minute.

Did... did you hear a voice??? That wasn't posible.. was it?

As ridiculous as it seems to you, you take a look around. You start feeling last night's sensation. You are home alone, that's for sure, but you were also convinced of what you had heard. 

You look down to detect the object of your almost fall. Indeed, it is the lamp you intended to use as a weapon the day before. You grab the mop to clean the coffee mess.

- "Well, at least I didn't miss that much." You mention and take your earphones to put some music and start the official house cleaning. 

During this time you reflect on the voice you seem to have heard. Your thoughts are mostly based on the conversations you used to have with dad about things that are beyond our understanding. 

You tended to talk a lot with your father about ghosts, among other things. He said to be pretty sensitive about this stuff. He instructed you a bit on the subject. In what seemed to you a strange way of teaching empathy, to him it was a valuable lesson in case you ever presented an apparition. 

He made you lose the fear of rituals and night noises, without alienating you from other sciences or the use of logic. He always told you to be calm and resort to dialogue. According to him, these things are driven by emotions. Therefore, the more serene your countenance, the more positive their reaction.

Still, he made it clear: you should be more afraid of the living than of the dead.

Anyways, you managed to finish your chores by lunchtime. You eat some noodles while looking for platforms to find a new roommate. You could hold out for company but the bills couldn't wait.

It's already evening, so you clean the lunch mess and get the laundry basket to take it to the building's laundry room. You go downstairs, set one of the available washing machines, and set an alarm to alert you as soon as the washing cycle is finished. 

On your way up you don't see any neighbor. Actually, you didn't see anyone on your way down either. Oh, wait, you see someone on your floor from the stairs. You kind of know the people on your block, but you didn't recognize the one in your corridor. There's only a dark figure. 

The same feeling, again. "What..?"

- "Hey, do you live here?" You ask, inquisitive.

The figure moves out of your range of vision. "Wait!" You exclaim. You finish climbing the stairs to see the entire hallway, only to discover that no one else is there.

You reach your apartment's door. Without thinking about it, you take out the key and open the door. You slam it shut and stare inside. The door is behind you. You stand there, expectant. You sight.

- "What did I expect?" You sit on the floor. "Agh, I'm going crazy."

- "Thats the effect I tend to have on girls."

You look up. A green-haired man is leaning against a wall in front of you. He is wearing a white suit with black stripes and a tie. All the clothes appear to have been run over by a truck before being worn.  You quickly stand up.

- "What are you doing in my house?!" You shout. He looks at you, surprised.

- "Wait, you can see me?" He says, with a surprised yet quite excited tone.

- "You aren't hide at all." You start to approach him, raging.

- "Well, yes. But hold on babes-"

- "Don't call me that and get the fuck out of my house!!" You yell and get ready to grab him by the shirt and to drag him out of your apartment. 

His body slips through your hands like steam. Before you realize it, the man begins to float around you. You look at him with wide eyes.

- "Eager to touch me already?" He says in a somewhat flirtatious voice. "Told ya needed to wait." 

- "You... are a ghost?" You say, shocked. "But... how?!"

You can identify some hesitation in his face for a few seconds, as if he didn't know where to start. That doubt disappears as soon as he starts talking confidently.

- "First things first. You were looking for a roommate, right?"

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