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Tommy whistled casually as he walked into the store, wielding his trusty guns "Hands up this is a robbery!" everyone looked at him, very confused.

"Uhm sir, this is a mcdonalds"
"Oh uh- you know where the gas station is?"
"Oh, right down the street" the cashier pointed down the street.
"Sweet! Sorry for interrupting" Tommy waved and ran out the door.


Tommy grinned as he held up his nerf guns "THIS IS A ROBBERY" everyone gasped and put their hands up. "Man, you guys are an obedient bunch. Anyways. YOU" Tommy pointed his nerf gun at a person closest to the cashier.

"Yeah, what are your pronouns!"
"Uh- he/him"
"OK, give me the money sir."
"oh- ok!" he quickly went to the register and fumbled with the cash. He handed the money to Tommy and retreated back. "Ok! everyone, have a nice day! I'll be leaving now!" Tommy waved at the workers. turning around to be met with, no one other than Fur-rye, only the 7th most popular hero, known for having animalistic strength and instincts.

Also his whole hero outfit is just a fursuit with a red cape that has a big yellow F on the back but that's not what is important right now.


"uh hehehe- hello sir. here for the new slushy machine?" Tommy chuckled nervously as he looked at the hero. Fur-rye smiled "yeah, I am getting one. taking a lunch break." Fur-rye walked passed him to get the slushy, totally ignoring the nerf gun and large wad of cash in Tommy's hands, Tommy pulled himself together and walked out of the gas station.

Tommy looked back at the gas station, seeing an angry Fur-rye chasing him. He looked forward and screamed as he sped up. "HOLY SHIT HOW IS THIS DUDE SO FAST" Tommy looked back and Shot Fur-rye right in the foot, the hero yelped, stopping holding his aching foot

Tommy laughed and ran back to his totally secret base. a shaggy apartment he lives in with two other villains.


Tubbo groaned in annoyance as Ranboo started his third attempt of using his powers "Ran you literally just need to teleport, you've done it before. You can do it again." he faced palmed as Ranboo stared intently at the couch. Then Tubbo got an idea, he ran to the window and gasped.

"......RANBOO THE HEROS ARE HERE, THEY KNOW WHAT YOU DID WITH THE SPAGHETTI NOODLES" Ranboo screamed in fear and teleported out of the whole apartment entirely.

"Man." Tommy looked at the terrified teen in the hallway and then looked at Tubbo. "Slender bitch really is scared of people knowing what he did to those noodles."

Tubbo nodded "yeah, it's the whole reason why we are villains. We can never speak of it, especially around Ran.." Tommy nodded solemnly. "well anyways, what should we make for dinner?"

"cake?" Ranboo walked into the room, as if he wasn't on the verge of a panic attack.


Fur-rye rubbed the spots this new villain shot him with the nerf gun, (how could a nerf gun hurt this much? it felt like he'd actually been shot!) grumbling as he approached the stage. He rested his hands on the podium in front of him. "Good afternoon everyone" some heroes said good afternoon, others opting for staying silent.

"I'm here to make a report about a new villain, and I don't mean the normal rob a gas station criminal. This person is a mastermind, gods knows what they are capable of. it is most likely they have some sort underground base. like with super cool shit and really high tech security systems. We need our best heros to find out where this base is."

Frost stood up, his pink braid swaying side to side. "I don't really have anything to do. Me and Quill can start whenever you need." Quill looked up, glaring at Frost. "why am I being roped into this?"
"Because you're literally the the third most powerful hero Wil'"
The hero groaned in annoyance and stood up, standing beside Frost.
Fur-rye laughed nervously. "well you guys can start when you want, I'll give you the villain's description and you can be on your way." Fur-rye walked down to them and handed them the papers of how Tommy looked. He put his hands on Quill and Frost's shoulder. "Remember you guys, this person is a mastermind, maybe on the same level of like, Einstein."
Tommy choked on the pasta.
"OH MY GODS TOMMY" Tubbo screamed. punching Tommy's stomach, making him cough the pasta up

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