Chapter Eight: London Calling

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In New York we had our own rooms, Jamie made sure of that. It had been weeks of solitude. At first, it felt good to have my own space and bathroom.  However, not soon after the first week, I kept looking for excuses to knock on Jamie's door, but I never seemed to find one and now back in England I found myself in the same predicament.

It was only because he had told me until Christmas he'd be going back and forth between England and the United States. At first, I was annoyed that'd I'd be traveling again so soon. Then, I was mad when he told me I couldn't go with him. However, he explained to me that it was because I was the only one he could trust to hold down the fort while he was gone. I thought it was an excuse, but when he handed me stacks of papers and a master calendar of where and when I was needed somewhere I knew he was back in work mode.

"It's only a bad idea if it doesn't work," I held the phone between my cheek and shoulder as my hands were preoccupied with not dropping any of the things in my hands.

On the other end, I was immediately given silence then a soft chuckle, "So what you're saying is you're going to do it anyway."

"Well, of course," I told Jamie, "I wasn't asking your permission, I was just letting you know."

"Well, I'm not helping you-

"Look Jamie someone just came in," I cut him off quickly, hearing a slight noise of disappointment from the other end, but before I could give that any attention, a face carved by the gods themselves walked in, "I-I've got to go."

Not waiting for a goodbye, I placed the studio's phone down with a satisfying click. I had been expecting a few people to come in and out today. Mostly deliveries and others here to work on the animations I had been assigned to.

"Hi, welcome in, you can put those on the table over there," I directed kindly. My voice was sickeningly sweet. I didn't even sound like myself but I had no control over it as I continued my rehearsed speech of the day for all of those who came in, "I'm filling in for Jamie while he's out of town-

"American?" The man looked up in surprise as I held the door open wider for him to come in with the boxes he had left beside him.  He shuffled one onto his hip as he shimmed through the door, but not without throwing an expectant look back to me for the obvious answer to his question.

I smiled widely at his voice, "You're American too?"

"From just outside of Corpus Christi, you?" He nodded, his back to me as he placed the large box down and walking back for the final one.

"D.C." I kept it short and sweet not bothering

"You're far from home," He gave me a knowing look, something he could probably relate to as well, "From one city to another."

Closing the door behind us I said, "Something like that."

"Well, it's nice to know I'm not the only one out here," He placed down the final heavy box, his voice no longer strained by its weight.

"I didn't catch your name..." I noted as I looked down at today's schedule. Anna's Inc. Right on time, if anything ahead of schedule.  "You're from Anna's company? She's your...partner, you know business partner? or, um, girlfriend?"

I cringed at my abrupt question. In my head, it was supposed to sound a lot smoother than it was. But in honesty, it had been a while since I even thought about approaching anyone in this capacity. Let alone, someone, I had met seconds ago.

"I'm Owen," He laughed off my stumble, reaching out his hand for me to shake, "and uh no..."

"Your wife," I finished for him. Suddenly remembering how Jamie mentioned he had met Anna through her husband at a grocery store of all places. Since then it's been history and not once did Jamie miss a reorder from her.

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