Malia's back story

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As you may know the story about the Salvatore brothers falling for the same girl, Katherine. I always knew there was something wrong about that girl, only if i found out a little early i could have saved my brothers. Katherine was a vampire, compelling both my brothers to love her. "god she was so self-centred". until she got my brothers killed and in transition into vampires. before we get back in to this lets go a little back before we meet Katherine.

Our family was a family of respect, all my father cared about was respect and having that "perfect family" look, whatever that means. everyone thought we were but never knew what happened behind our windows. our father was abusive and controlling, our mother was quite and never disobeyed our father. our mother died when i was young, it hurt me a lot  and till this day it still does.  even though my parents weren't the best i always had my two brothers to count on to make me happy. Damon my oldest  brother, he was always afraid of my father but never let him lay a finger on either Stefan and I, he always took the blame for our mistakes. he had a big heart and cared so much for his younger siblings, i may even say he cared too much, he was my father figure. then there is  Stefan my other older brother ( aka: the middle child), he was annoying. all the girls were in-love with him because of his looks, and because of that one reason he was so full of himself, but under all that ego i saw that kind heart that one comes out once in a while. and then there's me, Malia Lillian Salvatore. i was always the adventurous one with in my siblings, mostly because i had the most free time. my brothers always went to work with our father. our lives weren't the best but it was normal and nothing new ever happened. until the day both my brothers went on a one-year work trip (because my father made them). 

when they left i felt so lonely, i never felt like this since my mother passed. after they left it was just my father and i, a few maids and sometimes father's workers and friends would come. 

Malia Salvatore (Klaus Mikaelson endgame)Where stories live. Discover now