Chapter 1: My Life

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Before we start, we want to note that everything in this story is a joke. Mostly. We do not suck at writing. Or maybe we do. You decide. Now onto our typical y/n activities. - Pp, Deto and Babywipes. ( shit goes down real quick ) 

TW: Cuts, bruises, alcohol, verbal abuse, starvation, blood, gore, murder, insanity. All of that. 

I opened my eyes, groaning at the sunlight that pierced my eyelids. The birds were chirping happily outside my window. I took a moment and rolled around in my warm, comfy bed, wishing that I didn't have to go to school.

I've always hated Mondays.

I got up and out of my warm bed, humming Fight Song to myself as I brushed my pearly white teeth and stared at my ocean blue orbs shining back at me in the mirror. The girl staring at me had bags under her eyes from the nightmares. I was bullied everyday and I have nightmares and I can't sleep. I am laughed at and ridiculed everytime I set foot into that dreaded hallway. I'm just not like other girls. I'm different. That's why they hate me. I stare at the bruises and cuts on my face. I splashed cold water on my beautiful face and cried. Why do they all hate me so much?

I shoved it all back down as I picked out a cute outfit for school. I threw on my Nikes and threw my golden blonde hair into a messy bun. Looking at myself in the mirror, with my nerdy glasses and bruised face? I looked terrible. Like I had been dragged through a war trench.

Oh well, It's not like anyone else would pay attention to me, right? I sighed as I picked up my backpack. I was just a 3'5 foot girl trying to fit in. My light blue Elsa backpack hung on my shoulder, my favourite bag since my mother gave it to me before she died. I walked into my kitchen.

Glass shards littered the floor and broken beer bottles were thrown in the sink. I could smell the alcohol even before I stepped into the kitchen, that foul stench that seemed so wrong. Shoes crunching over glass, I entered the sodden room to see my father in his grubby undershirt, head propped in a fist. He was drunkenly muttering to himself, and I hoped that I would at least be able to sneak a bowl of cereal out the door so I wouldn't have to starve at school today. He was always yelling at me for eating a lot. I knew that wasn't true. I barely had more than a glass of milk and a biscuit for food everyday.

Somedays, I sold my own belongings for pocket money. Today, there was no time for such luxuries. I tiptoed to the fridge, aware of my heart beating as loud as a drum. I didn't want to wake my dad: he would give me an earful for refusing his orders to not eat breakfast in the morning. Successfully getting there, I grabbed the whole box of cereal and made my way out.

I snuck out the front door and walked to the bus stop. I looked down at my Hello Kitty watch. It was 8:11 a.m. I was late. I raced to the bus stop just in time to see the back of the bus turning around the corner.

"Cowabummer." said a deep, velvety voice.

I looked around. Who'd said that? I cowered in fear, I was probably about to be bullied again. Just little ol' me. A guy with shaggy black hair and a black shirt looked at me. He was tall, a 9ft boy that didn't look two years older than me. Without realising it, my heart skipped a beat.

"I can walk you to school... if you want. At least we'll be late together."

Huh? That can't be real. No one has ever offered to walk me to school ever! Not even my own father.

Note: This chapter was an absolute cringefest. If you hated it, that's great. If you loved it, what? - Deto :I

Hahhhhahhaha -pp 

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