Chapter 2: Rain

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I looked up and I saw Rain, the school's bad boy. He had a black nose piercing and his glistening crimson red blood sun orbs pierced into my soul.

"Huh? Do I know you?" I said defensively. Hot guys aside, anyone who offers to walk you to school out of the blue is bound to be suspicious. Nevertheless, my heart fluttered at the way he looked at me. I had to look away. His crimson orbs were so intense, I felt as if I would melt into the pavement before his feet.

Without any warning whatsoever, he grabbed my hand. I was so stunned I couldn't even react, not even when he started running down the street with me in tow.

"W-what are you doing!?" I exclaimed. I've only met this guy 30 seconds ago! I can't go running off with strangers like this. I tried to pull away from his grip but he was too strong. We ran- more like Rain dragged me down the streets. He wasn't having a hard time running at all, whereas I was struggling to breathe and was very close to suffocating. I'm not good at sports at all, I'm small and weak.

When we arrived at the school I was perilously close to fainting. I was sure my face was as red as a tomato by then, and I had to lean against the gates to catch my breath, aware of Rain staring down at me like I was a puzzle he had yet to solve. Not at all out of breath. I found myself envying him a little.

I wish I was strong.

I walked into the dreaded hallway of nightmares. Footsteps echoing through the empty hallways. Rain grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallways until we got to our class.

The chattering stopped.

All eyes were on us.

"Dude, you really did it!" a voice shouted out.

Laughter rang around the classroom.

I was confused. I looked up at Rain, pleading for an answer. He merely shrugged and let go of my hand, wiping it on his leather jacket as if I were infectious.

"It was a dare," he said calmly. "Either that, or kissing Jessica." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A dare? Did that mean that all of it...

"Yeah," Rain stared down at me, icy indifference in his eyes. "What did you think it was?"

I tried to speak, but my lips were frozen in place. A deep, red crimson was starting to flush on my face.

"Oh man, you really did it this time, Rain. You broke another girl's heart!" The entire classroom burst into mocking laughter and a couple of boys aimed spitballs at me through straws. The sodden paper balls hit my golden silky blonde hair and stayed there, clinging as tightly as barbs. I yelped and tried to get them out, but I somehow got tangled up in my feet and fell. As I groaned a harder, louder wave of cackling washed over me and I couldn't take it anymore.

I lurched to my feet and started running. I could hear Rain call out to me from behind as I turned the corner, trying hard to keep the tears from flowing down my face as my shoes squeaked against the shining tiles. I burst into the bathroom, stormed to one of the cubicles, locked the door, sat down on the toilet seat and cried. 

honestly, why does y/n like to cry so much? i just wanna deck her in the nose sometimes. 

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