Savior or Slaver

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" I believe you did a good thing today Master Brightstar, while the media lacks the proper understanding of your good intentions. I believe you should know deep down you're doing good, and I'm sure the poverty stricken all over this wretched city appreciate it. After all this the the fourth shelter you've personally opened and funded in the last five years. You've got a good heart underneath all that scary interior. "

I look look to see the old rabbit looking back smiling as his nose twitches his eyes full of wrinkles winking at me. He'd always been there even since I was a wee cub, and now he's still helping me. There's no person I trust more than Benjamin Karrots.

I find myself nodding my suit loosely buttoned and tie taken off, every suit made me feel too big and intimidating or too fat and harmless. As a grizzly you're either a big teddy bear to the worth or a scary apex omnivore. You should an ounce of weakness in this elite world and you just as easily go back to the old days where our ancestors were predators or prey.

I glanced out the window glad to be taking a few months off to rest at the family summer home. The staff was minimal, the company taken care of by the vice president. My parents retired and living over seas. Thinking about it, it'll be the first real time I stopped working since... Since Anna.

I feel my chest heave with a sigh passing by the ghettos and poverty stricken neighborhoods. I always choose this route because it kept me humble, reminded me of where I came from and how lucky I was. I even spent a week on the streets last year just to get a feel of what they go through. Honestly it's a night mare and while our country was much better off than most, it's still a problem all the same... If only I could snap my fingers and make it all go away. Well not go away but... I find myself sighing again as I gaze out of the window.

" Mmmmm it appears you've found yourself in a bit of a mood lately my dear Branwell. Perhaps what you need is a bit of a summer romance to help lift the spirits. You're only 25 and you're almost as aged as me, a brown bear should not be as pale as grew tailed hare. If I do say so myself." The old rabbit chuckles to himself wiping his eye as he had teared up a bit at his own joke. I could see him look up at me with that infectious smile that always made the day a bit better. He was like the grandfather I always had but could never acknowledge. He coughed clearing his throat a bit before continuing.
"If I may remind you my granddaughter asked to stay with us over the summer break. She's a senior working on her English degree hoping to get into the publishing section of the company. She's twenty three this year, and has always had a bit of a crush on you. You two used to be the cutest most odd pair we had ever seen. Imagine that a bear and rabbit getting along hand in hand, it was unheard of in my day. But you too have always brought a smile to these old eyes. Any ways it will please you to hear she took a job as a house keeper at the estate of the summer so you'll be seeing much of her over your break. And you'll have my full permission to woo her to your heart's desire, I would love to see some great grand kids before I pass after all. "
He chuckles again to himself seeing that I was a blushing mess just thinking about my past with Zynda Karrots. A fiesty small girl who could put any predator in their place, she was larger than life and had a bigger heart than anyone. Images of close calls and her in swim wear flashed through my mind as I shook my head trying to shake off my "bad thoughts".

It wasn't until I shook my head and opened my eyes when I saw her.

" Stop the car."

" But sir this is less than the ideal place to stop the automobile if I may be so bold. "

" Stop the car you passed her."

" Passed who sir? This is not a good neighborhood to stop if I may be so bold. "

" Benjamin stop the Damn Car!"
I growled out causing the poor rabbit to brake hard shaking in fear as the primal fear kicks in. Im panting with anger, but upon looking up to see his fear filled fave in the mirror I breath deeply calming myself. I never yelled, I never got angry at the people I loved. I was not someone to growl out my frustrations and I could feel reason and guilt fill me.

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