𝐨𝐧𝐞 • 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

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The chimes clinked as you swing the entrance door open. The scent of roasted welcomed you as you searched around the cafe for a specific person.

"Y/N," your best friend of 9 years greeted. 

"Keiji," you slipped your bag on the vacant seat next to yours. "Did I keep you waiting?"

"Not really," he stood up and pointed at the counter. "Let me get our order."

You nodded your head in agreement and sat down. Your thumbs circled around each other as you waited and took deep breaths. You thought that doing this in your usual cafe would calm your nerves, but it wasn't working at all. The soothing ambience of warm-toned dim lights and wooden furnitures weren't enough to keep you grounded. 

But you have to act normal. Keiji was a very perceptive person. He would know if there's a sudden shift in you. He knew you that well. He knew you so much in a way no other person could. 

"Here," he returned with your drinks, placing them on the table. "I added cinnamon in yours, just as how you like it."


"Thanks," you smiled and tried to respond as normal as possible. "You went and tried Onigiri Miya during the Olympics. You didn't even bring me one." You playfully complained before you had a taste of your cinnamon infused coffee. 

"I- uh, they were good. We can go there one day so you can try some. You're going to love it."

You let out a light-hearted huff and he chuckled. 

Having your warm cup in your hands, you peered outside the window. 

Leaves began to turn rustic orange, while some of them colored the ground as they fell. Perfect. You couldn't describe this day other done that. The smell of coffee and old books wafted through the air as the cafe played a calm classical music in the background. In front of you, was your dear best friend. It was a like movie scene as your breath hitched and everything was like in slow motion when he sipped his coffee, his gaze shifting from his cup to you. 

In your eyes, he's like a living, breathing art—an art that made you feel like you're drinking your favorite cup of coffee—warm, alive and most especially, bittersweet.

Bittersweet. Today was a bittersweet moment for you. mixed with nervousness, excitement and fear. But you have to do this. This was the only way you know. 

"Are you okay?" He took you out from your reverie, sounding concern.

"Oh, uh, yes."

"When you called me, you said that you're going to discuss something important with me."

"Yes, yes, I do." 

He placed his cup on the table, folded his leg and gave his undivided attention to you all prepared to listen intently. "Okay, go ahead." 

You took in a deep inhale and attempted to swallow whatever's holding you back. "Do you still remember about the writing course I took last year. Well, since I'm about to graduate now, I...I have to deliver what I promised her."

"Mhhhm, the novel?"

"Yes! And..." You took a sip of your coffee. "And I was thinking that maybe you could be my editor?"

Keiji primly laughed, "You don't really have to be nervous. Of course, I can do that. I have time to spare and I think it's also good so I can practice my skills. I really want to help you too. Wai- hold on a sec-" He grabbed a table napkin and reached towards you from across the table, wiping the coffee stain at the corner of your lips like it's the most normal thing in the world. He smiled at you before pulling away and sat back to his seat. 

If you're going to be truly honest, you never noticed these little things about him before. Until, one day, it was him your head could ever think of in every book you tried writing. He's the only man you could ever imagine to be in your life, fiction and non-fiction.

Chuckling, he picked up his cup. "That's no big deal at all, Y/N. I'll totally help you out." 

"Uhmm, the thing is...it's romance, Keiji."

As expected, he almost spit his coffee halfway from drinking. His expression froze. "What do I know about romance?" He didn't mean to say that out loud, but the words flowed out from his mouth. 

As an editor, it's not only his job to double check any technical errors, but he must also assess what could be changed in the story's plot, characterization and the devices used. Romance was never Keiji's specialty. He rarely even read that genre. The only thing he knew was Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre, both were classical and something which elements had been repetitively used not just in novels but also in other forms of media. 

You saw him drew out a long sigh as he contemplated for a while. His long lashes fluttered just like your eyes at how serious he looked like with his hand perched on his fist, eyes staring holes at his coffee in attempts to figure things out. 

Your mind back pedaled into this plan. Perhaps, this wasn't a good idea at all. It would be a lot better for him to reject this offer than reject your feelings for real, right? 

"I- you know what, forget about it-" You waved your hand like what you asked was just nothing. "I'll just try to-"

"I'll consider it." 

Your eyes widened but he just sat upright entirely confident of his decision, his expression bore no hesitation at all. "What?"

"I'll think about it within the day. Besides," he turned his head slightly away as he rubbed his nape. "I don't think I can really say no, if it's you."

You gulped and was blanked out for a second. Get a grip, you! He said he would just consider and it's not like it meant anything more than that. You were long time friends, of course he would find it hard to reject if you pulled out the friendship card on him. It's just normal. You kept on telling yourself that and shook the sliver of hope away from your brain.

"You have a manuscript or draft ready for this, right?" Keiji asked while he brought the cup back to his lips.

You nodded. "Yup, I'll send it through our chat."

"Okay, hmmm, how about the story? What's it all about?"

You blushed. 

"This might sound cheesy but..." You took a brief glance at him and he looked very serious about this, so you didn't beat around the bush. This would really sound like a confession. What if he'd figure this out already? Were you ready for his reaction? His decision? You have nowhere to go though. You finally went through all this. There's no turning back. Taking in a deep breath, "It's about the main character who...falls in love with her best friend."

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]Where stories live. Discover now