𝐭𝐰𝐨 • 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤

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You headed out of the cafe, deciding to take a walk at the park where you both usually stroll. It was beautiful—the reds and yellows starting to rain on the both of you. This was the park where you first encountered Keiji. You were both very small back then. You remembered playing house together. Having a family was just a make-believe you used to play with each other, but probably something that's not to be played around at this age in your life.

You're grown-ups now and you're not getting any younger. 

However, he still had the spark in his eyes—that inner-child in him that never died. It was no surprise that you had your gaze so lost in him. You smiled at yourself with the way that you're now looking up at him with that tall height of his. Geez, his coffee-colored trench coat fit everything so right like he owned this season. His jaw was sharper now than before. His shoulders, broader. He was looking upon the trees, burnt leaves falling atop his open palms. He caught them just like the first day you saw him. Instead, back then, he had cherry blossoms on his hands.

It was the beginning of Spring. 

You were so young. You were crying behind the playground's slide, when suddenly a young boy with raven hair sat beside you and gave you the cherry blossom petals he collected. "Don't cry, now. I got you," he said. 

From then on, even though the others your age weren't too fond of you, you weren't fazed, because you had Keiji. Keiji who gave you springtime and cherry blossoms in times when you thought the world would always be too cold. 

You always felt different, a little bit...left out. Yet with him, you found solace in the solitude you shared with each other.

After all the years that passed, you wondered why he's always beside you whenever you needed someone to hold on to. He looked at you like he could see your soul—like he knew you in a way no else could. He made you feel special. He made you feel seen. He made you feel like you belong.

It was also Spring when everything fell into pieces for you. 

It was your high school graduation. You knew you were parting ways after that— both going to different universities. You felt fear inside you, that he would slip out of your grasp. You didn't know what it was, but you were afraid that you might lose him. 

Your batchmates were celebrating, taking pictures together, when he came forward and asked you for a walk. 

Under the cherry blossom trees, you strolled beside each other. He awkwardly cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his head. "I hope we can still stay."

You felt your heart jumped like you were excited at what he's about to say."Huh?"

"I mean, let's stay as friends. Even if we're attending different universities."

Then your heart fell hard, so hard on the palm of his hands just like the cherry blossoms on the first time you saw him. 

There's something so painful yet so sweet about it, because through it all, he wanted you to remain in his life. That's when you realized that you wanted him to stay in your life too. However, not just as friends, but...something more.

That's the time you knew it was love. 

Just when you thought that he brought cherry blossoms in your life, you never expected he would also bring the springtime in your heart. After all, he's the man you love the first time you learned what love was. 

Keiji gently held you by the elbow, stopping you from walking. "Your shoe lace, as usual."

Auburn and yellow leaves leaves rustled. 

In front of you now, was the same Keiji on one knee, tying your shoe lace just like the very first moment you realized that you love him. Only this time, he's taller and even manlier than before.

Time passed and seasons changed yet one thing remained and that's how much you love him the same as the first time you knew it was love. It wasn't your choice to feel this way about him, but it was yours to stay by his side. And now, you love him even more than you could've thought and you knew it would hurt more if he doesn't see you in the same way. You wouldn't just lose the person you love, but you would also lose your best friend. 

The novel.

It's was the only way. The only way you knew to get your love across to him with hopes that he could pick up that the man in your story was him, just like how it was in every chapter of your life since you met him. You were afraid to risk your friendship and the only way was to let him piece things together, so that he could see it himself. 

And if by chance that your feelings would fall onto the ground instead of his hand just like the autumn leaves; if your novel didn't evoke anything from him at all, you'd accept it wholeheartedly. It might be hard for you to remain as the best friend he had all along, you knew that there's no other way but let him go. All you could only do was wish for his happiness no matter how painful it would be. 

Even just the thought of it hurt a lot—to accept that there could be that one day when the distance between you would widen—that one day, you should accept that you're no longer the one to stand beside him this close, because he had someone else who would make him much happier. 

Keiji stood up having finally finished tying your lace. Noticing the wisp of sadness in your eyes, he gently brushed your cheek with the back of his hand, as if there's an invisible tear that fell from your eye. 

"Don't worry, Y/N. I got you, okay?" He said with a very tender tone, eyes full of soul for you. "I'm in...until the end."

And though you fully knew that it was all about your novel, there's a slight hope in your heart that maybe, just maybe...

Autumn had already dawned and it's the time when pieces should fall together just like the leaves. 

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]Where stories live. Discover now