𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 • 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞

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"So this is like the butterflies in your stomach kind of thing?" Keiji asked as you were onboard the train going to Osaka. 

"Yeah, something like that. We couldn't put it verbatim, of course."

"Isn't that cliche?"

You rolled your eyes. He might have graduated with honors, but you'll totally fail him in romance.

"You know, you just can't avoid some cliches. Some of them happen in real life and readers who experienced the same can relate. Their memories will bring back the same feeling."

"I see..." He contemplated for a while and asked, "have you already felt it?"


"Have you already felt it...the butterflies in your stomach?"

You were taken aback. Like how were you- How were you even going to answer that? 

You were at a crossroads until your phone pinged, alerting you that a new message arrived. Saved by the bell but not really because it's your annoying classmate again. Instantly, you couldn't stop your frown.

"Is there something bothering you?" He asked.

"It's just...my classmate." You let out an exasperated exhale. "He always wants to set up a meeting with me though he can do the assigned task alone and then he'll..."

Here you were, ranting as Keiji would note of. There's something about the way you're all fired up when complaining about random things. The way you'd make these pouty expressions, the slight change in your intonation and the little 'pfft's you blew off. His lips stretched into an unknowing smile.

"You okay?" You asked him. 

"Huh?" He reacted as if he just woke up.

"Pfft, nothing." You chuckled. 

He just stared you completely dazed and clueless. For a moment, that very moment, it's just him and your smile. It felt like...like the world stopped spinning. The train went for a stop to unload and load passengers which took him out of his reverie. 

What's happening? 

Somehow, he felt nervous and frightened at the same time, but it's the kind of fright that felt so good, it's weird and illogical.

He gulped and and casted you a side-glance. You were probably happily looking at the memes in your phone as usual, but somehow, nothing was very usual right now. At least, for Keiji. He pinched close his eyes. He must get his act together. Certainly, he didn't want to make you feel bad by not being in the moment together with you.


It was just a short walk from the train station until you get to the very colorful Dotonbori. Just the sight of its retro-ish food stalls made you remember the taste of the food you once had here. Augh! Just by looking at the giant octopus animatronic made your mouth water.

"Keiji!" You excitedly pointed out and he automatically beamed a smile. "Takoyaki!" There's that childlike glow in your face that he couldn't really grasp, but also it's something that he...he couldn't exactly describe. It's? It's... 

"So cute!" You muttered like there were stars in your eyes as you eyed the food from afar. "Look at those big takoyaki, aren't they so cute and delicious?"

"You like those?"

You nodded your head and made praying hands, pleading him to side with you on your takoyaki agenda. He sighed and gave you pretty little smile. 

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]Where stories live. Discover now