2-Groceries Trouble

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With another morning, another day begins for our lovely couple.

"Thank you for last night Izu~, I feel refreshed again and my tiredness is gone." expressed Nemuri, preparing herself to go to work once again.

"You're welcome dear. Be careful out there." replied Izuku.

After a short while, Midnight is now ready to leave the house.

"Izu, I'm going to work now." stated Midnight.

Izuku then held his arms up and wide indicating a hug. This is their goodbye hug everyday. Midnight embraced Izuku as he gave her a goodbye kiss also.

The two then waved each other goodbye with Midnight going to U.A while Izuku is left to take care of the house.

"Guess it's time for me to start." said Izuku, stretching his body getting ready to do today's chores.

Just like how he does things everyday, Izuku cleaned up the whole house. Washing the dishes, laundry, watering the indoor plants, and sweeping the floor. This took him a few hours before he finished. Now that all that is done, it's time for some groceries.

Izuku took his wallet and left the house as he waltz into the supermarket to buy ingredients for a dish he's going to make this evening.

After a while of going around the supermarket, Izuku is finally done picking all the stuff he needs.

Izuku then went to the register and walked out of the supermarket with a bag full of goods. It was a approximately noon at the time.

While he was walking at the middle of Masutafu City, there he saw chaos on the street. There was fire and there are several Heroes present.

Izuku then asked one of the citizens present in the scene.

"Hello, can I ask what's going on here?"

A middle aged man in a suit then replied to him. "Apparently there's a villain inside that pit of fire and he seems to be holding a student hostage."

"Is that so, thank you."

'Well, the Heroes will take care of it themselves.' thought Izuku as he was about to go back home when he heard a shouting voice inside the fire.

"Help me!" yelled the voice.

Izuku immediately recognized the voice as he put down his bag of groceries and ran towards the fire and into the Sludge Villian.

"What are you doing you idiot!? Get out of there!" yelled Death Arms.

The Sludge Villain noticed Izuku coming on to him and pulled Izuku towards it's mud-like body.

"Oops, I didn't expect this." said Izuku nonchalantly as he got captured by the Villain as well.

"Nii-chan!" exclaimed the student's voice also trapped together with Izuku.

"Yo, Katsuki-kun. How are you doing?"

(Yeah, nice question Izuku)

"W-what are you doing here?" stammered Bakugo.

"Well, I heard your voice so I came to your rescue. So...surprise~."

"You call this a rescue?!" exclaimed Katsuki as the Sludge Villain began taking over his body.

"I'm going to use you as my meat shield brat!" yelled the Sludge Villain as he suffocates Katsuki.

"My, my...we can't really have that~." uttered Izuku as it caught the Villain's attention.

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it?" taunted the Sludge Villain.

The Villain then flinched when he saw Izuku's closed eyes slowly opening revealing his crimson red pupils. This brought shivers down the Sludge Villains spine. His instints tells him, if he doesn't get rid of Izuku immediately, he going to be killed.

The Sludge Villain then hastily attacked Izuku out of fear when suddenly, a certain man with a typical western comic book Hero look appeared and blocked the Villain's attack.

"If it isn't Toshinori~ Long time no see." mentioned Izuku, now with his eyes closed as usual.

"Are you okay Midoriya?" asked Allmight.

"Yeah, more or less." replied Izuku as he got out easily from the Villain's grasp as well as pulling the unconscious Bakugo from it's grasp too.

"Allmight!!" screamed the Sludge Villain as it attacked Allmight with all his strength.

"Detroit...SmasSHHH!!" roared Allmight with blood flowing down his mouth as he punched the Sludge Villain to smithereens.

The pressure from Allmight's punch cause gust of winds to accumulate making a man made tornado. With the help of Mt. Lady, she shielded the Heroes present and the civilians from the violent gust of wind.

"Still as flashy as ever I see~." said Izuku on the sides with his hair flipped up from the strong winds while carrying Katsuki.

The civilians cheered and clapped their hands in admiration and relief that the No. 1 Hero had saved the day once again.
A few moments later, Katsuki finally started gaining consciousness and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Izuku in an uncrowded place.

"W-where am I?!" questioned Katsuki as he got up from sleeping on Izuku's lap.

"It seems you're finally awake." said Izuku as he got up.

"What happened Nii-chan?" asked Katsuki.

"You fell unconscious from being suffocated by that pile of mud. I saved you after that.~" answered Izuku with a smug look on his face.

"Liar, I saw Allmight was the one who came to rescue us before I went completely unconscious." said Katsuki, squinting his eyes on Izuku.


"By the way Katsuki-kun, are you planning on going to UA?" wondered. Izuku.

"Yeah, I'm going to be the No.1 Hero in the future!" replied Bakugo with enthusiasm.

"That's good, by the way...how's your mom?"

"After the old hag found out that you got married, she went ensane and got even more annoying." replied Bakugo, remembering how troubled he was with his mother..

"How about you Nii-chan? What are you doing now after marrying that exhibitionist wife of yours?" asked Katsuki.

"As you see, I'm now a proud house husband~" replied Izuku acting real proud.

"In other words, you don't have a job."


Blood gushed out from Izuku's mouth after hearing those words from Bakugo.

After talking for a while, Bakugo finally left as he still has to attend his afternoon class.

By this time, Allmight appeared in his skinny form.

"You know that kid Midoriya?" asked Allmight.

"Yeah, I'm friends with his mother." replied Izuku as he turned around to face Toshinori and stretched out his hand.

"What is it?" wondered Toshinori.

"My groceries all got blown away from that attack of yours earlier so pay up." replied Izuku with a smile, as he rips money on Toshinori on broad daylight.

Toshinori just sighed as he handed Izuku some cash to compensate for his groceries.

"Well, I'm going back to the market again. See you around Toshinori-kun~" said Izuku as he went back to the supermarket again to purchase groceries that he lost once again.

Toshinori just looked up at the sky and made a heavy sigh of relief.

'Thank goodness I made it there in time. I can't even begin to imagine how it would turn out if Izuku decided to make a move earlier if I didn't intervene.'

Izuku's Way of the House Husband (IzukuxNemuri) Where stories live. Discover now