Bonus Part ~3~

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**Yu's POV**

**Two Years Later**

Today is the day, I can finally choose to become a vampire. 

I've waited two really long years for my birthday to roll around again and it's been rather exhausting, mainly because dad and Pa are always telling me about the important rules and regulations of what it means to be a vampire. 

I understand that it may be difficult to adjust at first but the main reason I want to turn is so I can stay with them. I don't want to leave them behind and I know they wouldn't want to watch me slowly die. That would just be cruel for both sides and I don't want either of them to go through something like that. 

Especially after finding out there past, at first I was upset about not knowing the truth but over time I have realized that what they told me would have been a lot to tell a kind that wasn't atleast 18 so now that I'm turning 20 today I can't help but agree with them. 

Annoyingly enough I still have class today which means that I have to actually wait until after classes end. Than I have the party that my family wants to throw me and they told me to invite someone but I'm not really sure who. I don't talk to anyone and I don't make a lot of friends because I tend to think that it would be smart to only make friends after I turn and probably with people that are also already turned. 

Humans are fragile and I wouldn't want to bother Pa with turning more people just for my own happiness, that seems a bit messed up right?

Anyways, thankfully I only have 3 classes today and one of them is Tong's class, he promised to give his classes no homework today. It's strange going to the same college that my parents went to 60 years ago but it's also kind of cool because I get to see where they met. 

Unlike them though I decided to stay at home when studying so I wouldn't have to stay in a dorm. I just don't see the point in it if I don't really want to go to meetings or gatherings in the first place.

I was in the middle of tucking in my shirt and grabbing my bag when there was a knock on the door. 

Yu: I just glanced around trying to find my car keys. "Come in!"

Dad: The door opened and he poked his head in my room with a grin. "Hey bud, I was checking up on you to see how you were feeling this morning."

Yu: I couldn't help but turn in his direction with a grin. "You mean you want to know my final decision because Pa told you to wait to find out until tonight."

Dad: He stands up straight and looses the gentle face before twisting into a scowl. "Dammit Yu, am I really that obvious?"

Yu: I almost pinch my fingers together before showing him. "Just a little bit, but I am your son so why wouldn't I know when my dad wants something?"

Dad: He pushes away from the door frame before walking up to me and pulling me into a hug. "Your growing up too quickly it worries me."

Yu: I just hug him back and let out a sigh, I knew he was paranoid I was going to stay human in the end but I really don't want to. "You have nothing to worry about, I want to..."

Dad: He pulls away with the shake of his head before he started to laugh and ruffle my hair with his hand. "No, don't tell me. Max would kill me if I found out before he did, just go to class and have a good time." I hate it when he messes with my hair... He takes a step back and starts to head for the door before stopping to stare at me with a grin. "Don't forget to bring a friend, you've been in college for a year and a half. We want to meet your friends."

Yu: "Believe me I haven't forgotten. Don't worry I'll bring one..."

I watched him walk out of the room before I let out a sigh. I didn't want them to worry about me so I haven't exactly told them that I haven't made any friends. They would think they weren't giving me enough free time or something since I'm always home or at grandma's.

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