school? more like prison

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When Leo says he hates school, he means it.
Especially when he went to a school that didn't know what 'to clean' was. And Piper really liked to help complaining about the school. The only one that didn't complain, was probably Jason, who was just happy he could get education. (Which wasn't exactly free either.)

Well, Leo was also thankful to get education as well and he understood why it was so important, but he would rather live on the street and starve himself to death than living in this horrible boarding school that had the most disgusting food on planet earth.

Sometimes he got so angry the food he ate got burned to ashes, and he had to get new food or else Piper would do all she could to get him to get new food, and there was a lot she could do to do that.
Luckily, he never got that frusstrated in front of them, so they couldn't see how he burnt the food.

A few weeks passed, and Leo had enough.
"I am not eating this horrible, disgusting food that tastes like a little toddler had stepped on and put the most disgusting things to live in." He said. Piper and Jason both looked at him and raised their eyebrows.

"I mean, I know it's horrible, but you need to eat food." Piper told him. Leo looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I'd rather starve."
Piper sighed. "My dad sent me some actually good food in case the food got too bad. I can share some with you if you want to."

Leo nodded. He suddenly felt like a bad friend, complaining about stuff like that. He had eaten inedible food in the past, so he shouldn't really complain. But either way, when Piper came back with the food, Leo smiled, and thanked her a million times. He was thankful for having such good friends.

The next few days went by normaly. Classes, lunch, classes again, homework, and sleep. Because of this routine, Leo barely got to hang out with Jason and Piper. If that routine comtinued, Leo would become crazy. So instead of going to class on Wednesday, he decided to stay in his dorm, building something out of trash. Literally. He went outside and found some metal and plastic.

At first, he didn't know what he should make, but then he got an idea. He found some screws and other stuff in his backpack, and in his jacket he found a pair of scissors. (Don't ask.)
Then he began. His hands started working automatically as if they controlled themselves while he thought about something completely different.

What if they didn't apriciate the gift? What if they hated it and threw it away?
No. That didn't seem like them. Piper and Jason would apriciate a gift no matter what. And Leo knew that.

But people change, so was it enough? Yes it was. After a few hours, Leo finished. He looked at the robotic bird he had been working on. Full of pride, he took the bird and wrapped it in cloth and put it under his bed.


He had looked around the school for a while, and couldn't find Piper and Jason

Eventually he gave up, and decided to go to bed.

Chapter short, as always.I decided to update some old chapter, and then write this one. This is probably the last chapter I'm writing and yeah! Bye!

Can life get worse? (Leo Valdez )Where stories live. Discover now