I. Another Life

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Mustafa, Bayezid and Cihangir actually never died, they managed to escape somewhere far, far away and now they all live happily ever after together in a big house with their wives and children. No more harem, no more fighting for the throne, only peace and laughs. They are all ALIVE and WELL and living in peace. Mustafa, Bayezid and Cihangir deaths were all actually fake and set up, it was their plan all along cause they just wanted to leave that shitty place and live a normal life. This is actually canon they told me themselves and I saw them the other day by the lake. I'm so happy for them.

If anyone disagrees I'm ready to fight just dm me thx.

Thank you so much for reading this canon story. Love xx

After Life | Magnificent Century ~sehzade Mustafa, Bayezid, CihangirWhere stories live. Discover now